
Common Questions

  • Q. How do we prevent accidents in school zones?

    A. We can prevent accidents in schools in the following ways:

      a) Drive slow and watchfully around schools, parks and children play area.
      b) Before starting the car, go around the car once.
      c) Around children play areas, take assistance for reversing the cars or buses.
      d) Ensure safe transportation from school. Diver and Cleaner need to be educated on blind spots around the vehicles.

  • Q. How do you protect children in traffic ?

    A. We can protect children in traffic in the following ways:

      a) Always walk the child towards the footpath side and not towards the road with traffic.
      b) Follow all traffic rules as a pedestrian and as a motorist. Your children will follow your actions.
      c) Always get down on the side of footpath and never onto the side of moving traffic.

  • Q. Children are exposed traffic especially while picking from school buses. What precautions should we take?

    A. When picking up children from school bus, pick up the children and bring them to footpath and hold their hands till bus leaves the sight.

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