
Common Questions

  • Q. Every family has cars nowadays. What precautions need to be taken for the same?

    A. The precautions that need to be taken are:

      a) Never drive a car with child on the lap. A sudden break can impinge the steering wheel on baby’s tummy causing serious injury to internal organs inside baby’s tummy.
      b) Seat belts have to be used only for children > 150 cm in height.
      c) Always use age specific car seats and follow the guidelines.

  • Q. What situational awareness is important while driving around children?

    A. Drive slow and watchfully around schools, parks and children play areas.

  • Q. A lot of children use public transport. What should we teach these children?

    A. We should teach the following things to our children:

      a) Children need to be taught boarding, alighting from public transport.
      b) No pushing, shoving and playing while on public transport.
      c) No standing on footboards, putting hands and head outside the window.

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