Newborn Baby Poop Colors – Everything You Need To Know About

5 min read

Written by Sindhuja Prabhu

Sindhuja Prabhu

Baby Poop Colors

Babies poop a lot. Yes, we are going to talk about baby poop. Ask a new parent and they will tell you the sheer number of diapers they have to go through in a single day. The frequency can take many new parents by surprise. Can such a tiny person who drinks just drops of milk, poop so much and there are so many Newborn baby poop colors too.

Oh yes, babies poop in colors. As a new parent, you will find yourself not just counting diapers and feeding sessions, but also analyzing the poop. The various colors of a newborn baby’s poop can be quite confusing and can sometimes even worry a parent who has no idea about what those colors indicate.

In This Article

How Frequently Do Babies Pass Stool?

Newborn babies pass a lot of stools. Remember, they have not passed a stool all these months in the womb and it all will start coming out, after birth. Passing their first stool, meconium while they are still in the womb is not an uncommon complication.

After birth, many babies will pass a stool after or sometimes even during every single feed. They will feed and pass out stool until their digestive system sets into a rhythm and gets stronger. The stomach muscles need to develop and get strong enough to hold the ingested food inside.

In general, you can expect your newborn to pass stool at least 2 to 5 times in a day until they reach the 6-weeks mark. Many babies will have a bowel movement after every feed. As they grow, their bowel movements decrease.

After 6 weeks, up until the baby is 3 months old, you can expect your baby to pass stool less frequently. Some babies poop just once a day while some can go on for days without a bowel movement.

What Does Breastfed Baby Poop Look Like?

Breastfed Baby Poop

What will your stool be like when you are breastfeeding them? Doctors recommend having your baby on an exclusive milk diet until they are about 6 months old. So, for these six months, their only food is the milk you feed them. The foods you eat will influence the milk and in turn the stool, they pass.

Breastmilk is easy to digest, so your baby might pass stools very frequently. Some babies may poop after every feeding session. Some babies will pass stools just three times a day. The stools can be semi-solid and grainy in texture. There is nothing to worry about here.

Some babies with colic and other digestive issues may not poop very regularly and will pass out very hard stools, which can even hurt them.

What Does Formula Fed Baby Poop Look Like?

Formula Fed Baby Poop

If you are unable to breastfeed exclusively for various reasons, the doctor will recommend formula. When a baby is on formula, the stools will be a little different from that of a breastfed baby.

It can be firmer and darker in color. The formula takes more time than breastmilk, for digestion. So, your formula-fed baby may not pass stools as frequently as a breastfed baby.

Not all brands of formula can suit a baby. If your baby is unable to digest a particular brand properly, it can change the colour, smell and consistency of their stools.

Top 7 Newborn Baby Poop Colors and What They Mean

A baby passes poop in various colors as they grow. While some can be alarming, many of these colors are quite common.

Here are the common newborn baby poop colors of stool a baby can pass through their initial months.

1. Black Baby Poop

The first stool a baby passes is the meconium, which is black in color. This stool will contain the amniotic fluid, mucus and the skin cells they ingested throughout the pregnancy.

Black poop in newborn is common and will change within the first couple of days. If the black poop returns after a few days or months or even years, know that it is not common, and you need to see a doctor right away.

2. Green Baby Poop

Medications, new food items and food coloring can cause the poop to turn green in colour. If your newborn is passing green poop, it could be the medications both you and they are receiving. If you ate green color foods, it can also have this effect on their stools.

In case your 6-month old is passing green poop, it could be the solid foods you are introducing them to.

[Read : Why Is My Baby’s Poop Green?]

3. Yellow Baby Poop

Bright yellow poop is common in breastfed babies. This does not mean formula-fed babies won’t pass yellow stools. If it is very runny, it can be diarrhoea, which will need medical attention immediately in small babies.

4. Brown Baby Poop

As the baby grows, the stools become firmer and darker in color. Brown is the normal poop color in both breast-fed as well as formula-fed babies. If the stools have a very runny or hard consistency or a strong smell, it is an indication there is something off.

5. Red Baby Poop

Sometimes in breastfed babies, it could be from the pigmentation of the food eaten by the mother. It could be something as simple as beets. Sometimes, even the medications can cause red colour stools. If you suspect food or medication, you can wait to check the colour of the next poop.

However, if you see a bright red color, this can indicate blood, and you need to seek medical advice immediately. It could be an anal fissure if your baby is passing stools that are not frequent and very hard.

[Read : Blood In Baby’s Stool & Diaper]

6. Orange Baby Poop

This is again a normal color and nothing to worry about. It could be just the pigments your baby picks from their digestive tract and again the influence of the foods the mother eats. Even orange food coloring used in traditional Indian sweets and desserts can cause the poop to change color.

7. White and Grey Baby Poop

Now, these shades can be alarming, and you are right to get worried. When your baby’s liver does not produce enough bile for digestion, it can result in white or grey poop. This is a serious issue that requires medical attention immediately. You cannot let your baby sit with a liver that is not functioning properly.

Your baby’s poop can reveal a lot about their health. The color, consistency and smell are the first indications of an illness. New parents constantly keep checking and analyzing the poop, every time they change the diaper. It is not wrong to do so, as the baby cannot really express their discomforts.

[Read : White Poop In Babies]


1. What Colour Baby Poop Should I Worry About?

If your baby passes white, grey or red poop, it is an indication of something wrong on the inside. While white and grey can indicate a problem with the liver, red poop indicates blood. It could be just an anal fissure or internal bleeding.

2. When Should I Worry About Baby Poop?

If your baby passes white, grey or red poop, it is a cause for concern. Similarly, if they pass very watery or very hard stools, it is again an indication of digestive issues. You should also worry about strong smelling poop.

3. Do Formula Fed Babies Pass Smelly Poop?

Sometimes if the baby is unable to digest the formula well, their poop can be of odd consistency with a strong smell. If you suspect milk allergies, you need to check with your doctor and switch brands.

Read Also: Baby Crying When Pooping: Reasons, When To Worry, And Remedies

Sindhuja Prabhu,M.Sc (Psychology),PGDBM

Sindhuja, a mother of two, is an obsessive mom with a keen interest in psychology, especially child psychology. Her quest for knowledge and way with words led her to become a passionate content writer. She transformed her love for writing into a full-fledged career which incidentally also turned up being the perfect stress buster for the last 5 years.Read more.

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