Boosting Immunity in Toddlers -Tips For Parents

6 min read

Written by Sindhuja Prabhu

Sindhuja Prabhu

Boosting immunity in toddlers

The immune system is the body’s shield against various foreign invaders and infections. We are born with almost no immunity and the immune system slowly develops as we age. So, a toddler’s immune system can be very weak and immature. Boosting immunity in toddlers is very important if you want them to fall sick less often and have healthy growth.

We all have an immune system that is constantly fighting these invaders and keeping us safe. We need to keep feeding this immune system the right nutrition to help it stay strong and win its fights against foreign invaders. A toddler can refuse to eat all the healthy foods and in turn, have a poor immunity that leads to frequent illnesses. If you are struggling to boost your toddler’s immunity, this one’s for you!

In This Article

Importance of Immunity in Toddlers

A toddler playing in mud


Toddlers seem to fall sick very often. They seem to have all the energy despite all the infections. Did you know the lack of immunity can not only make your toddler sick more often but can affect their growth in many other ways too (1a)? Immunity is very important in toddlers for the following reasons-

  • It helps them fight infections better
  • Reduces their recovery time
  • Aids in better health and growth
  • Better health helps toddlers meet their milestones on time
  • Facilitates physical activities
  • Lesser illnesses or infections mean fewer breaks from regular lifestyle – which includes school, playtime, socializing, etc.
  • If a toddler is prone to frequent illness due to weak immunity, they may not show interest in regular toddler activities. This in turn can affect their mental health too.

Tips to Boost Immunity in Toddlers

Every parent is looking for ways to boost their kid’s immunity. They are ready to try multiple safe options to see if any can help improve their toddler’s immunity. If you are one such parent, give these tips a try-

1. Include More Fruits And Vegetables in Their Diet

Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients which help build immunity in toddlers

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of multiple essential nutrients – both micro and macro. Giving your toddler a portion of fruit and vegetables every day will help add these nutrients to their regular diet (2).

If your toddler is a poor eater, you can try including more varieties of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. This way, even if they eat a little of everything, it can help meet their daily nutritional requirements. Toddlers are more open to eating variety than quantity too. So you can try including different colored or textured fruits and vegetables.

2. Use Antibiotics Only if Necessary

Do not use antibiotics frequently

Antibiotics can help your toddler overcome an illness more quickly than other mild medications (1b). However, just as these antibiotics can be strong on infections, it can be strong on your toddler’s system too. When your doctor gives antibiotics, it is always a “course” of antibiotics. Meaning, you cannot stop giving it once the illness is better. You need to finish the course. Your kid with a weak immune system might find this too strong at times.

So, use antibiotics only if the infection is severe and there is an absolute need for them. Also, never give your toddler antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription. Even if it is the same illness as last time, you should avoid repeating the antibiotics course without consulting your doctor.

3. Ensure Your Toddler Gets Enough Sleep Time

Sleep is very important for building immunity in toddlers

Sleep is very important for both kids and adults (3). Sleep helps the body restore and replenish all the energy it uses throughout the day. It helps the body recoup and get ready to fight germs and infections every day. Lack of sufficient sleep can affect your toddler’s immune system. 

Toddlers are infamous for fighting sleep and functioning at full strength with just naps. Ensure you follow a proper bedtime routine and make them go to bed around the same time every night. Toddlers need a good 8 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep for good growth and development. 

If your toddler seems to be more active and less sleepy these days, try dropping their naps or reducing the nap duration. This will help them sleep better at night.

4. Keep Your Toddler Physically Active

Physical activity is important for kids

Physical activity is very crucial for a toddler’s overall development (4). it will not only help in their physical development of bones and muscles but will also boost immunity in toddlers. Good physical activity will help promote blood flow and oxygen supply throughout the body. This helps carry more nutrients to all parts of the body, thus improving their health.

You cannot ask a toddler to exercise. You should engage them physically. Outdoor play with other children is one of the best and easiest options for keeping your toddler physically active. You can engage them in a variety of classes that require them to learn a new sport or stay physically agile.

You can even come up with games that require them to move around frequently. Reducing screen time and increasing physical play can help increase the toddler’s physical activities. Using the limbs will also help make them stronger.

5. Keep up With Routine Vaccinations

Do not skip any vaccination

Vaccinations are very important in building and protecting the immune system (5). The vaccines are recommended at various times in a child’s life by governing authorities for a reason. Do not skip those vaccines just because you don’t have the time or don’t think it is necessary for your toddler. These vaccines provide an important shield against infections and germs that can have a strong impact on your toddler’s immune system.

Ensure you vaccinate your toddler as per schedule (6). If you miss the vaccinations, ensure you talk to your pediatrician and keep them informed. They will advise you as to what is the best course of action or when you can vaccinate your toddler next. If you are relocating or traveling to another country, the vaccination requirements will change. Ensure you check with a local pediatrician and give your toddler the required vaccinations.

Your toddler’s immune system is very important when it comes to keeping them healthy and safe from various illnesses. The immune system will develop over time as they grow up. Focusing on building their immune system through nutritious foods and healthy habits can help improve the immune system faster. It can also help the immune system fight infections better and reduce the recovery time.


1. How Long Does it Take For a Toddler to Build Immunity?

Their immunity will build over the years. As their exposure to elements in nature and infections increase, the immune system will learn to defend the body and get stronger over time. The duration can vary from toddler to toddler depending on their living conditions, general health condition, and their exposure to foreign elements.

2. How do You Know if Your Child Has a Weak Immune System?

If your child has frequent infections, colds, or coughs and takes longer to recover, their immunity is weak. Lower than-average weight, nutritional deficiencies, and delays in healing wounds are also symptoms of a weak immune system.

3. Is Immunity Genetic?

Each person’s immunity differs based on various reasons. It depends on their overall health condition which genetics can influence (7). However, if a parent has a weak immunity, does not mean the kid will too. You can always improve your toddler’s immunity with the right food, nutrition, and healthy habits.


  1. The Immune System – []
  2. Immunomodulation in Children: The Role of the Diet – []
  3. Children and Sleep – []
  4. Benefits of physical activity for children – []
  5. Why Vaccinate – []
  6. Vaccines for children: Your questions answered – []
  7. Genetics and Immune Disorders – []
Sindhuja Prabhu,M.Sc (Psychology),PGDBM

Sindhuja, a mother of two, is an obsessive mom with a keen interest in psychology, especially child psychology. Her quest for knowledge and way with words led her to become a passionate content writer. She transformed her love for writing into a full-fledged career which incidentally also turned up being the perfect stress buster for the last 5 years.Read more.

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