Growth Spurts in Babies – Signs, Tips and More

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Editorial Team

Growth Spurts in Babies

During the initial days and months of your baby’s life, you may sometimes find that your little one has suddenly grown overnight. They may feed or sleep more. This is a normal phase that every baby undergoes. They are growing rapidly. This is what we commonly call growth spurts in babies. It is important for parents to learn how to help their baby grow and when to be concerned.

Growth spurts are natural growth periods that occur during a baby’s development. They’re not “spurts” as much as periods of increased growth. This happens for a variety of reasons and is entirely normal. Are you a new parent? Worried about why your little one is sleeping or feeding more than usual? Do not worry. In this article, let us discuss more Growth Spurts, the signs, and the tenure. Let us get started.

In This Article

What Are Growth Spurts in Babies?

Growth spurts occur when the babies grow intensely within a shorter period. The weight and height are the significant yardsticks of growth during the first year. The birth weight should have tripled during the first year, and your little one must have grown up to 25 centimeters.

Your baby will grow at a steady rate over the years. But there are also chances of growth spurts. During This period there will be a sudden overnight increase in height or weight or both.

Signs of Growth Spurts in Babies

Signs of Growth Spurts in Babies

How do you know if your baby is going through the phase of a growth spurt? Well, there are three common signs to look out for. Your baby is

  1. Hungrier than usual
  2. Crankier than usual
  3. Sleeping more than usual

You may find that your little one becomes hungrier than usual. They may show increased hunger by crying, being restless, licking their finger, and putting their tongue out.

Your baby may also cry and become crankier during the growth spurt. However, it is also essential to note that the crankiness can be due to other conditions like colic. In the case of colic, the baby gets crankier around the same time every day.

When Do Babies Have Growth Spurts?

When your little one is born, you may note that they may lose one-tenth of their weight within the first five days. They fight back and regain their birth weight in the next five days. Once they are back to the birth weight, they undergo a rapid growth spurt between 3 to 8 weeks i.e during 3rd week, 6th week and 8th week. Following this they experiences growth spurts during 3rd month, 6th month and 9th month of the baby’s age.

As to when babies have growth spurts, there is no hard and fast rule. Each baby undergoes growth spurts in a different time frame. Check with your baby’s doctor about their growth and development. Your little one grows rapidly until the first year.

From 2 years, the growth will be steady until puberty. For girls, a significant growth spurt occurs between 8 to 13 years. For boys, the period of growth and puberty is between 10 to 15 years.

[Read : Baby Weight Loss After Birth]

How Long Do Growth Spurts Last in Babies?

How Long do Growth Spurts Last in Babies

The good news is that babies’ growth spurts do not last long. They don’t last longer than three days and may sometimes extend up to 5 days. Most of the time, you would not even notice the growth spurt until you realize that the dress is no longer fitting your little one. There is nothing to worry about. They will be back to their routine very soon.

What Happens During Growth Spurts?

During the growth spurt, you may notice that the babies’ height, weight, and head circumference grow quickly and rapidly. You may also notice that they may achieve the developmental milestone they have been marching towards.

The most obvious sign of growth spurts is increased hunger. If your little one is breastfed, you may notice that they may feed for prolonged hours. If formula-fed, they may feel hungry the moment one bottle is over.

Sometimes there are no obvious signs at all. When you take your little one to the doctor, you may notice that their weight has increased to a higher percentile or their shirt does not fit them anymore.

[Read : How to Know Your Baby is Hungry]

Top 3 Tips for Dealing With Growth Spurts in Babies

If the signs of growth spurts are evident in your kid, it is time for you to know how to deal with them.

1. Give Them More Feeds

Your little munchkin is going to be extremely hungry during growth spurts. Offer more feed if they are hungry. Ensure that the baby receives all the nutrients from the food. If you breastfeed, try to nurse them more often, so they don’t feel hungry. This will also stimulate milk production. If they are formula-fed, you can offer a bit more or feed them often.

2. Help Them Sleep Better

You can help your little one sleep better by providing a dark and comfortable environment. Create a bedtime routine and make sure to follow them without fail. If your little one naps more during the day – like three to four hours a day, you can try waking them up in between and playing with them. But, it is also important to note that an overtired baby will not sleep well. So, ensure that they are getting adequate sleep and are not overtired.

[Read : Signs And Cues That Your Baby Is Tired]

3. Help Your Baby Relax

Try Calming down your baby. If you find no other reasons for the crankiness in your little one, try soothing them by hugging, cuddling, talking, and playing with them.

How Can You Tell if Your Baby’s Growth Spurt is on Track?

How Can You Tell if Your Babys Growth Spurt is on Track

The most common measure of proper growth is increasing weight and a good pile of wet nappies. But health and wellness are the better yardstick for tracking the growth spurt.

When you take your little one for a doctor’s visit, the doctors will check the height and weight. They compare the trends of development with physical growth and determine if there are any variations.

But, before going to the doctor, if you find anything that concerns you, reach out to them before waiting for them to identify it.

Growth spurts are the most critical phase of the little ones. This will not always be easy. There will be tough times and bad days. You need to understand what your little one is undergoing and offer them more feed. They will grow into a toddler in no time. There is a lot of growing to happen, and we also grow along with them in the journey of parenting.


1. Do Babies Sleep More During a Growth Spurt?

Yes. You may find babies sleeping more before and during the growth spurt. You may notice that they stop waking up often at night. It means that they are channelizing their energy into growth.

2. Do Baby Growth Spurts Hurt?

No. Growth Spurts do not hurt the babies. Though you may be concerned about the fussiness and crankiness, there is no evidence that the growth hurts the little one.

3. Do Babies Eat Less During a Growth Spurt?

No. During a growth spurt, you will always notice that the babies feel hungrier and may want to nurse and feed for a longer time. However, when the growth spurt ends, the nutrient requirements of the babies come down. That is when they will have decreased appetite.

4. Is There a Difference Between Growth Spurts and Feeding Spurts?

Yes. Growth spurts and feeding spurts are not the same but are related. A feeding spurt occurs when the little one feels hungrier more often and wants to feed more. This may not necessarily be because of the growth spurt.

Read Also: Indian Baby Weight and Height Chart – 0 to 12 Months

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