Vaginal Odor During Pregnancy – Causes, Home Remedies And Tips To Deal

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vaginal odor during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of bizarre changes, some of which you never would have expected. One of the many changes that women experience is a change in vaginal odor during pregnancy. Yes, your vagina has a scent, and it keeps changing depending on many reasons, pregnancy is one of them. 

Vaginal odor is a frequent phenomenon that is often brought on by hormonal changes and an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This may result in a light, sweet, or musky aroma, which is often not a cause for worry unless it is accompanied by itching, burning, or a strong, nasty smell. But, is it normal? Let us dive in to know more about what kind of vaginal changes and odor is normal during pregnancy and when should you be worried. 

In This Article

Is Vaginal Odor Normal During Pregnancy?

Vaginal odor is common during pregnancy, even though it can be unpleasant and uncomfortable. A little more than 65% of women say that during their pregnancies, they had a vaginal odor. Even one of the first signs of pregnancy might be the vaginal odor. If the smell appeared after conception, it was probably connected to pregnancy. It’s normally nothing to worry about, even if your odor is quite strong.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that hormonal changes during pregnancy can also modify the pH levels of the vagina, which might impact how the body smells. A heavier smell may also result from increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy. It is advised to wear breathable cotton pants, refrain from douching or using scented items, and maintain appropriate hygiene practices to preserve good vaginal health throughout pregnancy.

Causes of Vaginal Smell During Pregnancy

pregnant woman sitting

For expecting women, vaginal odor is a typical source of worry. There are various important explanations for this phenomenon

1. Hormonal changes

Now that you are pregnant, your body is undergoing significant hormonal changes, which result in a variety of physical changes. Increased vaginal secretions, which frequently have a pungent odor, might be a part of this. It’s also possible that you just have increased olfactory sensitivity as a result of the extraordinarily high levels of estrogen in your developing body.

2. Dehydration

You could be dehydrated if you detect a strong ammonia odor. Keep in mind that your body is working for two people at once, you need extra fluids when pregnant. Additionally, changes in vaginal odor brought on by nutrition are more likely to occur in pregnant women.

3. Infections

Pregnancy increases your chance of developing yeast infections because there is more sugar in your vaginal secretions, which the yeast may feed on, leading to an imbalance and an overgrowth of yeast.

The most frequent vaginal infection in expectant mothers is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is brought on by an imbalance of the bacteria in your vagina. It is important to consult your doctor if you are concerned about your vaginal odor and if you notice a grayish-white discharge. Some other viral STDs can also change your vaginal odor.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor in Pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy may result in an increase in vaginal discharge and, in some instances, a change in odor. Even though this is usually natural, it’s crucial to practice good hygiene when pregnant. Here are some natural solutions to help with vaginal odor during pregnancy.

1. Maintain Good Hygiene

An important aspect of odor management is keeping your vaginal region clean. Although it is necessary to practice good cleanliness, using scented soaps, menstruation pads, and tampons is not suggested as it might disrupt the natural chemical equilibrium in your vagina.

2. Wear Breathable Cotton Underwear

It’s crucial to wear natural, breathable, and absorbent pants made of materials like cotton. If the vaginal odor is a concern for you, stay away from clothing with a tight fit. After working out, swap out your pants to keep things dry.

3. Avoid Douching

Douching can change the pH of your vagina, leaving you more susceptible to infection. Douching can intensify an existing vaginal infection and lead to a more serious infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), if you already have one.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can aid in the removal of toxins from the body and promote a healthy environment in the vagina.

It is very important to be safe and proactive during pregnancy as some infections can have a serious effect on the growth and development of the baby. Your doctor may evaluate your condition and prescribe antibiotics if needed. 

Top Tips to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor When Pregnant

pregnant woman holding belly

Expectant moms may find it uncomfortable if their vaginal odor increases during pregnancy as a result of hormonal changes. Here are some suggestions for controlling and minimizing vaginal odor during pregnancy.

  • Once every day, gently wash the exterior of your vagina with water and mild soap.
  • Regularly changing your pants will also assist in reducing odor and dampness.
  • Other feminine items, such as scented soap, might aggravate the smell or possibly add to it. 
  • To encourage a healthy vaginal flora, include yogurt, kefir, or other probiotic-rich foods in your diet.
  • Consult a doctor if the odor is accompanied by burning, irritation, or strange color changes in the discharge.

When to Visit the Doctor?

Any strange vaginal odor during pregnancy that is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms like

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Unusual discharge or
  • Vaginal discomfort

While hormonal fluctuations can cause some slight variations in vaginal odor, a persistent, foul-smelling odor may be a sign of an infection or other health problem. The development of the baby and the mother’s health are both ensured by prompt medical examination since some infections can be dangerous during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, vaginal odor is a typical phenomenon that is frequently related to hormonal changes. Even if it is usually unharmful, a healthcare professional should examine any strange or persistent odor to rule out infections or problems and ensure the health of both mother and child.


1. How Long Does Vaginal Odor Last During Pregnancy?

Each body is different and every pregnancy is unique. It is frequently transient and associated with hormonal changes. The vaginal odor often lasts a few days to a few weeks, but it shouldn’t last for too long.

2. How Does a Vagina Smell While Pregnant?

Changes in urine are often to blame for an odd ammonia-like vaginal odor during pregnancy. Lifestyle elements, including food choices, dehydration, and supplement use, may be to blame for this.

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