8 Cosmetics That Should Be Definitely Avoided During Pregnancy

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Editorial Team

8 Cosmetics That Should Be Definitely Avoided During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience and also a time of huge sacrifices. We need to give up so many things: coffee, alcohol, cosmetics. Yes, you read it right, there are some cosmetics that you need to give up completely during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Cosmetics are substances or mixtures of substances used on external parts of the body like the face, skin, and hair intended to cleanse, beautify or alter appearance.

While we all use cosmetics more or less in some form, it is important to pay attention to what cosmetics you use during pregnancy. It is because some of the ingredients of cosmetics can pass through the skin barrier and affect your growing baby negatively. So, it is not silly to worry about the moisturizer or the fragrance you are using during pregnancy. The cosmetics you should stay away from during pregnancy include:

8 Cosmetics That Should Be Definitely Avoided During Pregnancy

Every woman aspires to have skin that is both healthy and attractive. However, the many hormonal changes that come with pregnancy can cause dermatological problems. Pregnant women often have inquiries about the substances in their skin care products. Here is a list of cosmetics that women should stay away from while expecting since they include elements that harm the unborn child’s development.

1. Anti-Aging Creams

Some anti-aging creams and spot treatment creams contain a powerful substance known as retinoids. It is a form of vitamin A which, if taken in high doses can cause harm to the fetus. Do not use the prescription retinoids like Retin-A, Renova, Differin, or Tazorac. There is no clear evidence that retinoids cause birth defects, but high doses of vitamin A should be avoided during pregnancy because there is a risk of vitamin A toxicity. As they say, better safe than sorry!

2. Acne Medication Creams and Salicylic Acid

Certain medications used to treat acne contain salicylic acid, which is also a no-no for a pregnant woman. Acne medications reduce the acne by causing changes to your body. There are evidence that when salicylic acid is used orally in high doses can cause birth defects. Please avoid using Accutane (isotretinoin), flutamide, spironolactone(hormonal therapies), Retinoids like adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin, and oral tetracyclines (minocycline, doxycycline) All these can pass onto the fetus through your bloodstream and cause birth defects

3. Strong Fragrances

Strong Fragnance

Strong fragrances like perfumes, body sprays, and some body lotions are often lauded with phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals that can have a toxic effect on the fetus. Most of the time it is not present on the labels so it is better to avoid them completely during pregnancy

4. Skin Whitening Creams/Products

Skin whitening creams contain Hydroquinone. It bleaches the skin by altering the enzymes process that makes melanin in the body. About 35-45 percent of the product is absorbed in the skin, they might interfere with the proper development of the fetus. All skin-lightening products should be avoided until you stop breastfeeding even if you suffer from pigmentation during your pregnancy.

5. Chemical Hair Removing Cream

There is no evidence of whether these creams are unsafe or safe during pregnancy. It contains some form of thioglycolic acid, which reacts with the disulfide bonds in the hair. The chemicals used in these creams can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions. Since there are no studies to show its effects on pregnancy, we advise to better avoid them during your pregnancy

6. Tattoos


It is not safe to get inked during pregnancy as there is a chance of getting some infections like Hepatitis B and HIV if the needle used was dirty. And these infections can be passed on to your unborn baby. Moreover, your skin is very sensitive in pregnancy that you might feel hurt more by the sharp needles. The ink used in a tattoo can be absorbed in your body and there is no clear proof to know if it is safe in pregnancy. Are tattoos safe during pregnancy?

7. Nail Care Products

You should also avoid nail care products as it contains the “toxic trio” dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde, and toluene. Formaldehyde is used to harden the nail paint and it can also irritate your eyes, nose. And too much exposure to Toluene can damage the nervous system in an unborn baby.

There are studies showing stillbirth, birth defects, and slow fetal growth in nail salon workers. It should be fine if you are only using the nail care products occasionally, however, it is not advisable to be exposed to them too often. Are nail paints considered safe during pregnancy? Find out here.

8. Hair Care Products

It is better to avoid chemical treatments on hair like dyes, perms, and highlights as there is a chance of chemicals getting absorbed into the skin of your scalp and entering the bloodstream. If you must color your hair, or get some hair treatment done, you should wait until the second trimester. Find out whether hair treatments are safe during pregnancy

Do read the labels before buying any creams, lotions, and other cosmetics throughout your pregnancy. As a precautionary step, you should be avoiding all the above cosmetics until you stop breastfeeding. Again, it is advisable to consult your doctor when in doubt.

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