Surya Namaskar When Trying to Conceive – Is it Safe?

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Written by Editorial Team

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Surya Namaskar

Engaging in yoga during pregnancy can be a wonderful means of maintaining health and fitness. Surya Namaskar, an asanas segment in yoga, is an outstanding full-body workout. It furnishes advantages such as amplified blood circulation and increased joint and muscle firmness. So, can you do Surya Namaskar when trying to conceive?

Surya Namaskar can be beneficial when trying to get pregnant. We’ll look at the advantages of this asana and how to stay safe. This asana can improve reproductive health and balance hormones.

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Video Of Safety Of Surya Namaskar When Trying to Conceive

Is Surya Namaskar When Trying to Conceive Safe?

Yes, it is safe to practice Surya Namaskar when trying to conceive. In fact, yoga practitioners and teachers believe that practicing this yoga pose regularly can be beneficial in improving the chances of conception. It works by regulating hormones, calming the mind, reducing stress, and regulating the body’s metabolism. Practicing this yoga also makes childbirth easier once you get pregnant and gear up for delivery.

Always talk to your healthcare provider before beginning Surya Namaskar for fertility, especially if you are undergoing fertility treatments and therapies.

Does Surya Namaskar Help in Ovulation?

Surya Namaskar For Ovulation

Yes, Surya Namaskar is proven to help with ovulation in women. Regular practice can regularize menstrual cycles in women and also regulate hormones. This in turn helps with ovulation and improves the chances of conception in women who are struggling with irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation issues. Always remember to learn Surya Namaskar from a certified teacher. Do not take tutorials from videos as incorrect practice can cause more harm than good. 

Benefits of Surya Namaskar When Trying to Conceive

Surya Namaskar Fertility

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, offers several benefits for the body and mind. Here are some of the key benefits in simple terms

  • Regular practice of Surya Namaskar can help regulate the menstrual cycle and the female reproductive hormones. It also helps manage menstrual cramps that many women often face during menstrual cycles.
  • It also helps boost sexual drive which again increases the chances of a successful conception.
  • Practicing Surya Namaskar also helps reduce issues related to ovulation that can interfere with fertility. Ovulation is one of the key factors that influence proper egg release and timely fertilization.
  • Surya Namaskar enhances energy and boosts blood circulation. Proper blood circulation to the uterus also can play an important role in improving your chances of conception.
  • Practicing this yoga pose regularly can also calm your body and mind and relax you, encouraging deep breathing and a mindful focus on the present, reducing stress and anxiety. All of these factors indirectly boost fertility.
  • Regular practice can help burn calories and boost metabolism. Couples struggling with fertility issues due to obesity can greatly benefit from Surya Namaskar.

It is important to remember that the benefits of Surya Namaskar may vary from person to person. Consistency and regular practice are key to experiencing these benefits. Start gradually and listen to your body to practice safely and effectively.

Precautions to Take While Doing Surya Namaskar When Trying to Conceive

Surya Namaskar Precautions

There are some precautions you must take when doing Surya Namaskar.

1. Learn From a Certified Trainer

Yoga is a complicated form of body exercise. Doing it incorrectly is not good for you. If you are new to Surya Namaskar or have specific health concerns, it’s advisable to practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor

2. Start With a Warm-up

Start by performing a light warm-up to ready your body for the poses.

3. Proper Alignment is Important

Pay attention to your body alignment throughout each pose. Maintain a straight spine and avoid overextending or straining any joints.

4. Focus on Breathing

Coordinate your breath with each pose. Breathe deeply and smoothly, inhaling during certain movements and exhaling during others.

5. Gradual Progression is Vital

If you are new to Surya Namaskar, start with a slower pace and fewer repetitions. Progress at your own pace to avoid strain or injury.

6. Consult Experts Before Starting

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are undergoing fertility treatments and therapies, always consult your gynecologist or fertility specialist before starting Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar can be a valuable addition to your fertility fitness routine. It offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind, including regulated hormones and metabolism, and improves your chances of conception. Always seek guidance from a qualified instructor and doctor, especially in cases of any pre-existing medical conditions or undergoing infertility treatments. By practicing Surya Namaskar mindfully and with caution, you can enjoy its advantages while minimizing the risk of injuries.


1. Does Surya Namaskar Help to Improve Egg Quality?

While Surya Namaskar and regular exercise can promote overall health and reproductive well-being, there is no direct scientific evidence linking it to improved egg quality. Factors such as age, genetics, and overall reproductive health primarily determine egg quality. For concerns about egg quality or fertility, consulting with a healthcare provider who specializes in reproductive medicine is advisable.

2. Does Surya Namaskar Affect Fertility?

Studies suggest that yoga benefits those trying to conceive by relieving stress, which can impact fertility. Higher stress biomarkers in saliva correlate with reduced chances of conception during ovulation, and elevated cortisol levels increase the risk of miscarriage. Yoga may benefit women undergoing fertility treatments. Consequently, some fertility clinics have integrated “fertility yoga” into their programs.

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