Toddler Milestones – What Can You Expect at 32 Months?

7 min read

Written by Smita Srivastava

Smita Srivastava

Toddler milestones at 32 months

What toddler milestones will your not-so-little 32-month-old meet in the coming weeks? It is such a delight to watch your toddler struggle with some milestones for a while and finally ace it with flying colors. Now, the question is, do you help them or do you let them do all the work? The key to enabling your toddler to achieve their true potential is to give them the right amount of space and help.

If your toddler drops the crayon multiple times, you can show them how to hold it, but you can’t hold it for them. You need to be patient and just let them learn. Knowing what toddler milestones are next in line and how to aid your little one in achieving them can make a big difference in their development. If your little one is entering month 32, this is for you!

In This Article

Developmental Milestones For 32-Month-Old Toddlers

Toddler playing with shape sorter toy

Some developmental toddler milestones for a 32-month-old are-

Dressing up

  • Many toddlers can start dressing themselves up
  • They may insist on wearing their own t-shirt or pants without your help
  • They WILL take a lot of time and can get the clothing on wrong but will insist on doing it themselves
  • With your gentle guidance, they will soon learn to do it the right way
  • This show of independence can extend to socks, shoes, bags, etc.
  • Rushing them at this stage can not only hinder their development but can also affect their self-confidence and make them anxious

Identify Colors

  • Most toddlers can start identifying colors by now
  • They can identify the basic colors and even name a few
  • They may not get it right all the time, but they will keep trying
  • They can also associate things around them with the colors they are familiar with
  • Keep naming the color of the items around them and they will learn fast

Making Friends

  • Your toddler who was very shy not too long ago will now start making new friends (1)
  • They will approach other kids their age or size and show interest in playing together 
  • Some may ask others for their toys to play with and some may share their own 
  • Some shy toddlers may need more time. So, they might go and sit next to a group of toddlers and play on their own until they are ready to approach the group 
  • It differs from toddler to toddler, so don’t worry


  • Your toddler might start showing interest in a tricycle or a scooter
  • They can’t pedal yet but will sit on a tricycle and ask you to push them
  • As they get accustomed to the movement and feeling of riding a bike, they will slowly try putting their feet on the pedal
  • In the beginning, they will pedal an inch forward and then back. The cycle might not go anywhere
  • They will slowly learn to put weight on their feet and pedal further
  • Some may learn quickly while some toddlers may need more time

Hand-Eye Coordination

  • Hand-eye coordination will be better now
  • Toddlers can now use their hands better in a more coordinated manner
  • They can pick the toy they are seeing and put it in the right place without fumbling
  • Your toddler might get faster with the shape-sorting toys
  • If you ask them to pick a particular item from a bunch of items, they can do it now without much help

Follow Complex Instructions

  • As your toddler’s communication and understanding skills improve, they do better with instructions
  • At this stage, most toddlers can follow complex or multiple-step instructions
  • They can now follow instructions like – take your water bottle and go put on your shoes, or take your book from grandma and put it in the cupboard
  • Their brains can connect better and they execute multiple steps of instructions
  • They may forget a step or two and you may have to repeat a few times, but don’t get impatient

Growth Chart For a 32-Month-Old Toddler

An average 32-month-old height and weight will be as follows-


Weight – 10.4 – 16.8 Kg
Height- 85.4 – 99.0 cm


Weight –10.9 – 17.1 Kg
Height- 86.8 – 100 cm

(This chart is just an indication and these parameters may vary from one toddler to another)

Tips to Boost Your 32-Month-Old’s Development

Here are some tips for parents to aid their 32-month-old’s development in attaining their toddler milestones-

1. Teach Colors

Teach colors to toddler

As your toddler starts identifying regular colors, keep repeating the color names. Every time you give them something, specify the color and the item name. This will help them associate the color better and facilitate faster learning. For example – when you give them an apple for a snack, tell them it is a red apple. Ask them to pick out their blue shoes, yellow towels, etc.

2. Offer Help

Toddler dressing up

When your toddler struggles to dress themselves or gets the pants on the wrong way, offer help. Don’t rush in telling them they are wrong or wasting time and correct them forcibly. Say something like “oh o, your pants are facing the wrong way, do you want me to help you?” Asking them and then offering help will make them feel more confident about their abilities. Being patient with them will help them learn faster without anxiety.

3. Threading Beads

Threading beads

Give your toddler some beads with big holes and a string. Teach them how to string the beads. Let them try to get the beads on the string one by one. This will help improve their concentration, and fine motor skills and encourage them to sit still for a while.

4. Tricycle With Parent Handle

Tricycle with parent handle

If your toddler is showing interest in cycling, you can invest in a tricycle with a push handle. These tricycles have a handle at the back for the adults to push and maneuver the cycle. You can make your toddler sit and push them around without bending. Take them to parks or areas where other children are riding their cycles. This will excite them and encourage them to try pedaling on their own.

Health And Care of Your Toddler

Toddler in diaper

Here are some ways to effectively take care of your growing toddler’s health to help them attain those toddler milestones:

  • Severe colds and congestion can lead to ear pains. Ask your pediatrician if you can use nasal saline drops to relieve the nasal congestion, which in turn can help reduce the ear pain. This can come in very handy at night times or when you are traveling
  • Check your toddler’s nails and cut them regularly. File away the uneven edges to prevent them from hurting themselves
  • Now that your toddler is growing more independent by the day, you may have a tough time changing their diapers! But remember that long time in a damp or soiled diaper can cause rashes on their skin

Some Useful Tips For Your Toddler

Toddler getting down from chair

Here are some useful tips to aid your little one in meeting their toddler milestones-

  • Hold the back of the chair with your hand or push your foot against the back leg of the chair or stool your toddler is getting down from. At this age, toddlers can’t reach the floor and will try to jump down from the edge, which can cause the chair to topple forward onto them as they get off
  • You can start looking at schools around your area, and do the basic homework of asking for reviews and feedback. You have to decide on a school soon and you need enough information to make such a big decision
  • When going out for a meal, carry a set of kid-friendly cutlery. Not all restaurants will have forks or knives that are safe for your toddler to eat with

Your toddler is growing and meeting many new toddler milestones every few days. Sometimes, they may just take just a week or two more than another toddler of similar age. don’t get into the competitive spirit to prove your toddler is more advanced. This can add pressure, which can be detrimental to their development.


1. Why is my 32-Month-Old Not Talking?

If your 32-month-old is not talking even a few words or is not making any attempt to say words, you should discuss it with your pediatrician. They can refer you to a speech therapist who can professionally guide you about the possible reasons for the delay and how to proceed.

2. Can a 32-Month-Old be Teething?

According to the Indian Dental Association, a toddler’s 2nd molars erupt between 23 – 33 months of age. So, yes, your 32-month-old can be teething (2).

3. How Much Sleep Does a 32-Month-Old Need?

A 32-month-old will need about 11-14 hours of sleep a day, including a daytime nap.


  1. Understanding development of infants and toddlers – []
  2. Children – []
Smita Srivastava,MA (Mass Comm), BA (Mass Comm)

With a background in Mass media and journalism, Smita comes with rich and vast experience in content creation, curation, and editing. As a mom of a baby girl, she is an excellent candidate for writing and editing parenting and pregnancy content. The content she writes and edits is influenced by her own journey through pregnancy and motherhood. When not writing- She can be found curled up with a book. Or, bingeing on Netflix.Read more.

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