When and How To Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

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When and How To Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Swaddling is an excellent way to keep your newborn baby warm and help them sleep well. Swaddling a baby creates a womb-like environment where the baby feels tightly snuggled and warm. The transition phase of womb to the real world gets easy with this process of tightly wrapping your baby in a soft snuggly cloth. But you can’t swaddle your baby forever. So, when to stop swaddling your baby?

Ideally, you should stop swaddling your baby once they reach 2 months old when they start to roll over. Let us learn all about swaddling, why it is important, at what age you can stop swaddling and how you can get your baby to sleep without swaddling.

In This Article

What is Swaddling?

Swaddling is the age-old practice of wrapping a baby in a blanket or comparable cloth to restrict the moment. It is necessary to do because the real world is a completely different place than the womb. The ideal cloth used for swaddling is 100% cotton muslin but a lightweight blanket, other soft fabrics can be used.

Swaddling is not as simple as just wrapping a piece of cloth around the baby. It follows a special technique and requires practice. Remember- too-tight swaddling can irritate, suffocate and sometimes cause medical emergencies. And too loose wrapping won’t be beneficial. So it is important to understand the right technique of swaddling

Why is Swaddling Important For Your Baby?

importances of Swaddling Your Baby

Swaddling is important for babies in both physical and psychological aspects. A baby who has spent 9 months safely tucked away in the mother’s womb is now exposed to the elements. There should be some way of keeping the baby cozy for the first few weeks till it can adjust to the new environment. Swaddling your baby serves this purpose.

  • Apart from this, here are a few other reasons why swaddling is important for your baby.
  • Helps baby sleep calmly and creates warmth.
  • Restrict movements that help babies eliminate anxiety.
  • Restricts baby’s hand movements and prevents babies from scratching or hurting themselves.
  • Protects the baby from its natural startle reflex( shock by sudden sound or movements).
  • Eliminates the need for comfortable items such as pillows, blankets etc.
  • Mimics touch, which makes the baby feel safe and secure, especially during the night.
  • Helps to maintain the baby’s sleeping position.
  • Maintains the baby’s body temperature.

Some modern medical studies indicate that swaddling helps babies fall asleep and to remain asleep and allows the baby to remain in a supine position, which lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Six Steps of Safe Swaddling

Here are the six steps to safely swaddling your baby in the right way

  • Take a square-shaped infant-sized swaddling blanket and spread it flat. Fold the top corner down till the corner lies in the middle of the blanket.
  • Lay the baby face-up on the blanket, with a head above the folded corner.
  • Straighten her left arm, wrap the left corner of the blanket over the baby’s body and tuck it between her right arm and the right side of the baby’s body.
  • Bring the bottom corner up over the feet of the baby.
  • Tuck the right arm and wrap the right corner over the body of the baby.
  • Make sure the legs and hip move freely and the swaddling is not too tight. You should be able to fit 2 or 3 fingers between the baby’s chest and blanket. (Ideal swaddling fit).

[Read : How To Swaddle A Baby]

When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

Start swaddling your baby from the day he/she is born till 2 months. The right time to stop swaddling is when the baby can roll over on its stomach. That’s naturally between 2 – 4 months.

Swaddling once your baby can roll over may increase the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and suffocation.

[Read : Rolling Over in Babies]

How to Stop Swaddling Your Baby?

Here is how you can stop swaddling your baby

  • Start by swaddling your baby with arms out of the swaddle.
  • A few nights later, after the baby gets used to having arms out, move on to swaddling babies with both legs out.
  • A few nights after that, stop using the swaddle blanket altogether.

Top 5 Tips to Help a Baby Sleep Without Being Swaddled?

Helping a Baby Sleep Without Being Swaddled

Here are our best tips to help your baby sleep without being swaddled

  1. Dress your baby in warm comfortable clothes. But bear in mind not to overdress.
  2. Rock your baby to sleep.
  3. Play soft music or sing a song.
  4. Cuddle baby in your arms and let your baby sleep.
  5. Maintain a sleeping schedule.

[Read : Establishing a Bedtime Routine For Babies]

How Can I Get My Baby to Sleep Without Being Swaddled?

mom putting baby to sleep in bed

The most effective way is to hold the baby in your arms with affection and make slight and soft movements such as rocking the baby. That will surely lead the baby to sleep.

  • Lay the baby on the lap and pat the baby softly on the forehead.
  • Put the baby in a cot or tarry cot or a baby bed and play soft music.
  • Maintaining the sleeping schedule of the baby.
  • Dressing the baby loosely and comfy so the baby can fall asleep faster.
  • Parents room sharing with the baby can help the baby sleep well as they feel secure and comfortable.

Swaddling your baby is vital for the first two months of their life. Swaddling is an art and it is vital to learn how to do it the right way for the benefit of your baby. Post-this, once your baby starts rolling, you must stop swaddling your baby since this may not be safe for your baby anymore. Despite the absence of swaddling, you can still put your baby to sleep with a few simple and effective steps and tips.


1. Do You Unswaddle Babies For Night Feeds?

There is no need to unswaddle the baby during feeds as swaddling stops unnecessary reflexes of the baby and nurses more effectively. However, if your baby is in deep sleep and is unable to wake up for their night feeds, you may need to unswaddle them which will help them wake up.

2. Can you Swaddle the Baby With Arms Out?

In the 1st and 2nd months swaddling is supposed to be proper and no arms or legs out. After 2 months swaddling can be done by arms out.

3. Do Babies Sleep Longer Swaddled?

Yes, babies who are swaddled seem to fall asleep quicker and sleep longer. Some parents also find that swaddling can help soothe crying babies and relax them quickly. This has to do with the fact that swaddling imitates the environment in the mother’s womb and keeps the baby warm and cuddled.

4. Is it Bad to Swaddle a Baby All Night?

Once your baby is able to roll over, it may not be advisable to swaddle your baby all night. If the baby happens to roll over their stomach while sleeping, swaddling can increase the risk of suffocation and SIDS. If you are swaddling your newborn, make sure that the swaddle is not too snug or too loose to avoid accidents and choking.

Read Also: 8 Ways You Can Teach Your Baby To Sleep In A Crib

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