12 Month Sleep Regression in Babies – Causes, Signs and Tips

4 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

12 Month Sleep Regression in Babies

Just when you realize that you cracked the code to your little one’s sleeping routine, bam! And it seems like you’re once again standing at square one. Let’s see how to handle this 12 month sleep regression in babies with some expert tips.

Just like 4 month sleep regression, 6 month sleep regression and 8 month sleep regression, babies go through a 12 month sleep regression too, just around the time they are about to celebrate their first birthday.

In This Article

Top Causes of Sleep Regression in 12 Month Old Baby

The brand new physical and emotional developments in your baby can lead to sleep regression:

1. Nightmares

Very few infants of this age group begin to have vivid imaginations during their sleep which makes them afraid. However, most babies at this stage don’t have bad dreams.

2. Discovering Independence

As your baby grows old and acts out of their newfound feeling of being an individual, they start to show some resistance to everyday rituals such as bedtime.

3. Shifts in Sleep Schedule.

Some babies resist the morning nap and just take one nap in the afternoon. Most babies are not yet prepared for such change, and the overtiredness before the night’s sleep causes sleep regression.

[Read : Overstimulation in Babies]

4. Their Excitement to Walk and Talk

Babbling new sounds and walking wobblingly is making them so enthusiastic to try it out that they forget their sleep even when the sun is down.

Signs of Sleep Regression in 12 Month Old Baby

Signs of Sleep Regression in 12 Month Old Baby

You will be reading the easily identifiable signs of a 12-month sleep regression in babies.

Your baby will

  1. No longer doze off to sleep and nap without showing fussiness
  2. Wake up frequently at nights
  3. Have longer and more naps during day
  4. Throw tantrums and show crankiness before going to bed

How Long Does Sleep Regression Last in 12 Month Baby?

The good news is that the 12-month sleep regression which is giving too many bumps to your baby’s sleep routine is a brief problem. In about 2 weeks (more or less) it will end when your baby realizes that there’s no hurry to play with their newly discovered tricks during the night and will settle into their usual sleep routine.

Tips to Help Your 12 Month Old Baby Establish a Sleep Routine

Tips to Help Your 12 Month Old Baby a Sleep Routine

You can’t stop the 12-month sleep regression to last for at least a week or two. But you definitely can apply some time-tested tips which will establish healthy sleeping habits in the long run. It will also ease the sleep regression phase.

1. Lovey(Transitional Object)

Remember that teddy bear, blanket or toy which you always kept near you during your childhood days? That’s called a transitional object! It will ease off their feeling of being away from you, and they will drift back to sleep on their own.

2. Train Your Baby to Sleep on Their Own

Avoid taking them out of their crib during their awakenings. Instead, rub your palms on their head, sing in a sweet voice and let them go back to catch some z’s on their own. Keep them well-fed before they sleep and let them go to bed around the same time every day.

[Read : Sleep Training a Baby]

3. Bond With Your Baby

More hugs, kisses and playtime and extra love from their favorite caregivers will make them understand that you’re there for them. And it’ll also keep a check on their separation anxiety. Moreover, talking and playing with them during the daytime will gratify their desire to test their skills at dark hours.

When Should You Consider Seeing a Doctor?

Take your baby to a pediatrician if they show these signs along with sleep regression

  • Not experiencing enough growth like a normal baby
  • Breathing abnormally while asleep
  • Feeding habits, bowel movements, and urination have noticeably changed

Be calm and patient during this period. Remember, you can always go to your pediatrician for help, you don’t have to go through it all alone.

[Read : Bonding With Your Baby]


1. Why Does My 1 Year Old Wake Up Multiple Times at Night?

Sleep regression – growth spurts, teething, separation anxiety, and so on can be the reasons for their awakenings.

2. Why is My 12 Month Old Waking Up Screaming?

There’s nothing to fear. Babies get afraid when they don’t find their mom or dad around at night due to separation anxiety. Nightmares can also cause babies to wake up screaming.

3. How Can I Get My 1 Year Old to Sleep Through the Night?

Make sure your baby has enough time to wind down before they sleep. Minimize screen time. Do relaxing activities with your baby. Once they are asleep, take care of the distracting sounds. A white noise machine can help.

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