6 Month Old Baby Milestones – What Are They and How You Can Help Your Baby

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Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

6 Month Old Baby Milestones

Congrats! Your baby has completed half a year. Time for a quick celebration. Time to also celebrate the many skills and new things they are learning every day. Here is a quick lowdown on the 6 month old baby milestones.

The growth and development are rapid during this stage. You may notice that very quickly your baby is catching up with delayed milestones, if any, and is practicing all their newly learned skills too.

In This Article

Important Milestones You Can Expect From a 6 Month Old Baby

Here are a few important 6 month old baby milestones.

1. Hearing Development

Most babies will start responding to their names and turning towards the source of sounds.

2. Vision Development

Color perception improves. You will notice your baby picks items of the same colour family be it toys or clothes.

3. Development of Smell

Your baby’s sense of smell develops as they start on solids.

4. Development of Taste

Your baby gets exposed to food for the first time, they are trying out something new and their taste buds get activated to understand the taste and texture of the food they are eating.

[Read : Baby And Solid Foods: When And How to Introduce]

5. Development of Touch

Babies understand texture and it plays a big part in their food choices. They might like or reject foods or toys based on their texture.

6. Fine Motor Skill Development

Your baby can clench and release a fist. Babies will try to pick their food this way and shove the entire fist into their mouths until they realize how to open it to release the food.

7. Gross Motor Skill Development

In addition to rolling more, your baby can move their limbs more. They will kick and hit harder, showing an increase in strength and coordination in their limbs.

8. Social Emotional Development

Small babbles will soon turn into baby gibberish. Some babies might talk to you at length. If you are having a conversation around them, don’t be surprised if they join in too!

9. Physical Development

Your baby has full control over their neck and back. They can move their limbs and fingers with intention. They will also turn around and observe the environment around them.

10. Movement Milestone

Rolling is your baby’s favorite way to move around now.

11. Language Development

Babies can understand more words and commands in the primary language you use at home. More the exposure, the easier they will pick the language.

12. Cognitive Skill Development

Babies can understand emotions better. They will comprehend when you are happy, angry or sad with the way you talk to them. They might even respond accordingly. For example – a stern voice can reduce them to tears.

How Can You Help a Baby Reach Their 6 Month Milestones?

Help a Baby Reach Their 6 Month Milestones

Here is what you can do, to help them develop on various fronts

  • Help them sit up with props, this will strengthen their backs and teach them how to sit.
  • Keep reading and talking to them to develop their language and communication skills.

[Read : When Do Babies Sit Up Without Support?]

Milestones You Can Expect at the End of 6th Month

 6 month baby milestone

Here are a few things you can expect from your baby at the end of their 6th month.

Your baby will be able to

  • Roll over on one side comfortably and attempt the same on the other side
  • Respond to familiar faces and sounds
  • Understand and show emotions.

When Should You Consider Seeing the Doctor?

Do consider seeing a doctor at the earliest if you observe the following in your baby

  • Your baby’s eyes still cross when they try to look at something or are unable to focus and look at anything
  • Your baby does not roll over any side.

Every baby has their own timeline for achieving milestones. If your baby is a little ahead or behind, just understand and accept they are unique in their own way.

Read Also: 7 Month Old Baby Milestones – What Are They and How You Can Help Your Baby

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