4 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule – Sample Schedule, Problems and Tips

6 min read

Written by Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

4 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule

A 4 month old baby’s sleep schedule can be challenging for parents because their sleep patterns constantly change. Welcome to our 4 Month old Baby Sleep Schedule! If you are wondering how your baby is sleeping, this article will help you understand what’s normal and what is not. Your baby has explored the world around her for a quarter of a year now, and they are growing well. By this time, you may notice that they begin to spend their daytime playing and socializing with less sleep and tend to sleep for longer hours.

Again, every child is different based on their needs. Though 4th month may seem like a relief to the sleep deprived parents, the 4 month sleep regression can peek out anytime, and you may go back to the initial days after birth. Just stay calm, and this phase will pass soon. In this article, let us look into the 4 month old baby’s sleep schedule, the problems associated, and the tips to help the kids sleep better. Let us get started.

In This Article

How Much Should a 4 Month Old Baby Sleep?

A 4 month old baby shall sleep an average of 12 to 17 hours a day, and the sleep requirement may vary depending on each baby’s needs. By this time, the little one might understand the day night differences and can sleep for six to eight hours straight at night.

They might spend more time playing during the day, taking three to four naps.

Can You Sleep Train a 4 Month Old Baby?

Sleep training is teaching your baby to sleep through the night. But experts suggest that 4 month is the beginning of sleep training for babies. By this, your baby will learn to self soothe and sleep independently. There are different methods of sleep training.

  • Cry it Out / Extinction: In cry it out method you let your child cry until they go back to sleep on their own without intervening.
  • The Ferber Method: In Ferber method of sleep training you need to check on your babies now and then but at increased intervals.
  • The Chair Method: You need to sit in a chair in your baby’s room and slowly move away from near the door.

You can choose the one that suits your family and comfort. Keep in mind that sleep training is not night weaning. Your 4 month old will still need to eat at least once at night.

[Read : Sleep Training a Baby]

4 Month Old Baby Sample Sleep Schedule

In the 4 month, the babies will have predictable naps, and some might shift from four to three naps of 30 minutes to 2 hours during the day. We shall see two samples of sleep schedules where the baby takes four naps during the day and naps thrice during the day.

Sample Sleep Schedule for babies who nap four times a day.

Sample Time Awake/Nap/Bedtime
07.00 AM Stays Awake
08:15 AM Nap Time
09:45 AM Stays Awake
11:15 AM Nap Time
12:45 PM Stays Awake
02:15 PM Nap Time
03:15 PM Stays Awake
04:30 PM Nap Time(Tend to Plan a Short Catnap)
05:00 PM Stays Awake
06:30 PM Bedtime Routine
07:00 PM Bedtime(with Twice Overnight Feeding)

Sample Sleep Schedule for babies who nap thrice a day.

Sample Time Awake/Nap/Bedtime
07.00 AM Stays Awake
08:45 AM Nap Time
10:45 AM Stays Awake
12:30 PM Nap Time
02:30 PM Stays Awake
04:30 PM Nap Time(Tend to Plan a Short Catnap)
05:00 PM Stays Awake
06:30 PM Bedtime Routine
07:00 PM Bedtime(with Twice Overnight Feeding)

The above samples are based on the assumption that the 4 month old is awake for 75 minutes to two hours and naps three or four times a day, respectively.

What is 4 Month Old Baby Sleep Regression?

4 Month Old Baby Sleep Regression

Sleep regression occurs when the baby who has been sleeping well so far suddenly experiences difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. This disturbed sleep pattern can be quite difficult for parents who thought their four month old finally started to sleep well without frequent night wakings.

Sleep regression mainly occurs due to developmental milestones. At 4 months, your little one might be adapting more to the new environment and trying to explore them. They would try rolling over at sleep and end up waking up, and it might be hard for them to go back to sleep.

This sleep regression is very ordinary yet frustrating. It is just a phase, and this will pass on once your little one has mastered the new developmental milestone.

[Read : All About The 4-Month Sleep Regression In Babies]

Top Sleep Problems Expected From a 4 Month Old Baby

tired baby

You can notice that your four month old might face the following common sleep problems.

1. Disturbed Night Sleep Patterns

Your little one fussy during the night, and it may be due to hunger or the need for a diaper change. Give them time to settle on their own. If they don’t, you can lift and soothe them to put them back to sleep.

2. Sleep Regression

Sleep regression can cause your baby to have poor naps. In that case, make sure to soothe your baby when they are fussy and put them to sleep when they show signs of readiness to sleep, including yawning, drowsiness, rubbing eyes, etc.; this helps them take a long nap.

3. Exhaustion

If your baby is too tired because of the daytime playtime, they may find it difficult to fall asleep at night. Make sure they consistently sleep during the day and are not overtired.

[Read : Signs And Cues That Your Baby Is Tired]

Top 4 Tips to Help Your Four Month Old Baby Sleep

mom following bedtime routine

You must keep trying to help your baby with a good sleep routine in the fourth month. The following are some of the tips to enable you to help your four month old to go to sleep.

  1. During the fourth month, babies try to master the art of rolling over. Giving them adequate tummy time during the day helps them roll over easily and have a good night’s sleep.
  2. Whatever regression the baby goes through, make sure you do not change your bedtime routine. Give them a warm bath, comfortable pyjamas, soothing music, or a book together to put them to sleep.
  3. Once you predict the usual bedtime, start the bedtime routine at least 30 minutes before so that they are in their comfort when sleep strikes them.
  4. Make sure you put your baby to sleep when awake and feeling sleepy.

When Should You Consider Calling a Doctor?

You may consider calling your doctor if you feel the baby is feeling uncomfortable with any pain or colic. In the fourth month, colic will no longer be an issue. Call your doctor immediately if you think there is something more than regression that is causing issues with your baby’s sleep patterns.

By the 4th month, most babies fall into a sleep schedule, but some babies can fall into patterns of sleep regression causing disturbances to the baby and creating difficulties for the parents. A little care and patience can help parents retrain their babies to fall back into a regular sleeping pattern.


1. What Should be the Number of Naps And Nap Duration For a 4 Month Old Baby?

A four month old baby can take three to four naps of 30 minutes to two hours during the day and 8 to 10 hours at night.

2. What Are the Average Daytime Sleep Hours For a 4 Month Old Baby?

The average daytime sleep for a four month old baby would be six to seven hours.

3. What Are the Average Nighttime Sleep Hours For a 4 Month Old Baby?

A four month old baby can sleep for 8 to 10 hours at night.

4. At a Stretch, How Much Should a 4 Month Old Baby Sleep at Night?

A four month old baby can sleep for six to eight hours at a stretch during the night. They can wake up once or twice for feeding.

5. What is the Average Total Sleep Hours Per Day For a 4 Month Old Baby?

A four month old baby’s average sleep hours per day could be 12 to 17 hours.

Read Also: 5 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule – Sample Schedule, Problems and Tips

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan,CA, B.Com

Gayathri’s passion for writing had its foundation at the very early stages of her life when she was on her college editorial board and also won several awards for writing events and book review competitions. She combines her corporate experience with her writing skills and her experience as a homemaker makes her an empathetic contributor in the parenting domain . Her shift from full-time accounting professional to a homemaker gave her career a new direction.Read more.

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