3 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule – Sample Schedule, Problems and Tips

6 min read

Written by Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

3 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule

The new parenthood might have affected your sleepless nights and sleepy days. Babies are adorable and unpredictable with their sleep patterns; they might sleep for long hours in the day but not when you want them to. By three months, you may start noticing your baby’s sleep patterns, including the number of naps, hours, and wake time. So, what should a 3 month old baby sleep schedule look like?

Your three month old is adjusting to the outside world and will soon begin picking up the proper sleep schedule. Though it is tough for them to follow the sleep schedule now, you may begin to predict and plan from your end to give them a helping hand. In this article, we shall discuss what you need to know about the sleep pattern of a 3 month baby baby. Let us get started.

In This Article

How Much Should a 3 Month Old Baby Sleep?

A 3 Month old should sleep for 14 to 17 hours a day, which means the baby shall be awake only for 6 to 7 hours on a 24 hour day. But, if your 3 month old is sleeping less, it is absolutely fine. They will be back to routine in a few months.

While some might sleep for five to six hours at a stretch at night, others may wake up frequently for feeds. Both conditions are expected and normal as they are still learning to accept the new environment.

Some babies can sleep the whole night straight, giving a heartful night welcome for sleep deprived parents.

Can You Sleep Train a 3 Month Old Baby?

You can try establishing a sleep routine and schedule for your three month old. But experts always recommend waiting until 6 months to begin the training. Wait for a few more months, and you can train your baby in how to sleep throughout the night.

[Read : Sleep Training a Baby]

3 Month Old Baby Sample Sleep Schedule

A three month old’s sleep routine is still not predictable and depends on the baby’s needs. The following is the sample sleep pattern for your three month old. This sample is based on the assumption that your little one sleeps for one hour at a time and stays awake for 90 minutes.

Sample Time Awake/Nap/Bedtime
07.00 AM Stays Awake
08.30 AM Nap Time
09.30 AM Stays Awake
11:00 AM Nap Time
12:00 PM Stays Awake
01:30 PM Nap Time
02:30 PM Stays Awake
04:00 PM Nap Time(Tend to Plan a Short Catnap)
04:30 PM Stays Awake
07:00 PM Bedtime Routine
07:30 PM Bedtime(with Twice Overnight Feeding)

Please note that this is just a sample. A three month old may sleep for more than an hour or stay awake for less than or more than 90 minutes.

Parents and caregivers can ensure that babies stay more active during the day which will result in longer sleeping hours at night. Sleep training is time consuming but once a baby is sleep trained, it will really prove beneficial to both mothers and babies.

What is 3 Month Old Baby Sleep Regression?

3 Month Old Baby Sleep Regression

Sleep regression usually occurs when your little one is hitting a new milestone. At three months, the sleep needs of your little one are changing rapidly and this is the main reason for sleep regression. If you find your little one suddenly keeping you awake at 4 AM, do not panic. You are not alone.

There are so many mothers out there facing the three month sleep regression, and there are a few ways to cope with the sleep regression.

  • Adjust their sleep routine based on their needs and cues, if any.
  • For instance, try putting her for an extra hour’s sleep during the day or advance her bedtime by an hour and see if it helps in sleeping in long stretches.
  • Increase the feeding time during the day and reduce it during the night.
  • Ensure increasing does not mean dumping your little one with so much food.
  • Begin by increasing two extra minutes of breastfeeding or half an ounce of milk during the day and cut short the same quantity at night.
  • Allow your baby to sleep on their own. If they turn fussy and cry asking for you, you can leave them using the cry-out method or rock and pat them to sleep.
  • Give Moments to settle down before lifting them. Sometimes, when babies cry in the middle of the night, giving them a few minutes would settle them better.

3 Month Sleep regression is exhausting. But, we must go through this phase to help the little ones adjust to the world around them.

Top Sleep Problems Expected From a 3 Month Old Baby

Baby sleeping with pacifier

Here are a few sleep problems that you expect from your 3 month old baby and different ways and means to deal with them.

1. Intermittent Waking Up Through the Night

One of the chief issues parents face is babies waking up more frequently at night. During the intermittent waking ups at night, ensure the room is still dark and without much stimulation. Else, your baby might find it challenging to go back to sleep.

2. Increased Demand For Night Feeds

Your baby might want constant feeding during the night. At three months, once or twice night feedings are required. Continuous feeding can be avoided by increasing the daily intake and reducing it at night. Dream feeding at night can help you sleep for a longer time.

3. Teething

Though it can be quite early, some babies can start teething as early as 3 months old. The baby can have increased drooling, turns irritable and finds it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Have a teething toy or a pacifier handy for the baby who wakes up at night.

Avoid interacting with the baby when they wake up at night. Pause a moment and allow them to settle. If they turn fussier, lift them and try putting them back to sleep. If nothing works out, try talking to them softly about going back to sleep.

[Read : Does Teething Cause Sleep Disturbance In Babies?]

Top 6 Tips to Help Your Three Month Old Baby Sleep

mom putting baby in crib

At 3 months, you can force your baby to sleep. But you can build a framework based on which You can help your three month old to have a better sleep. Here is what we have to tell you about how you can help.

  1. Spend most of the time together during the day to help them understand the day night differences.
  2. Start a bedtime routine. Have cues which will help them get into a bedtime routine. For Example, reading a book, playing soothing music, giving a warm bath, etc., acts as signals for them to understand it’s time for a long sleep.
  3. Help your baby to sleep on its own. Try putting them down in the crib when they are drowsy but not yet asleep.
  4. Make sure you put them to sleep in the same place every day.
  5. Have them wear comfortable clothing.
  6. Keep the room cool and dark. You can use a white noise machine through the night if you wish to help your little one sleep better.

[Read : Baby Safety- Crib and Baby Bed Safety Tips]

When Should You Consider Calling a Doctor?

Sometimes babies may wake up through the night due to issues other than those related to sleep. For example, falling sick, suffering from colic, or having digestion issues may all warrant a visit to the doctor if the baby is really suffering and doesn’t seem to get any relief.

By the time a baby turns three months old, it is able to fall into a sleep and wake up pattern gradually. Parents should start taking advantage of this period to train their babies into a sleep routine. It may seem laborious but not impossible to sleep train babies. All it takes is some patience and time, and before you know it, your little one will sleep through the night.


1. What Should be the Number of Naps And Nap Duration For a 3 Month Old Baby?

The average number of naps during the day shall be 3 to 5, each lasting 30 minutes to two hours.

2. What Are the Average Daytime Sleep Hours For a 3 Month Old baby?

The average daytime sleep for a 3 month baby will be around five to six hours.

3. What Are the Average Nighttime Sleep Hours For a 3 Month Old Baby?

The Average nighttime sleep for a 3 month old baby shall be around 10 to 11 hours.

4. What Are the Average Total Sleep Hours Per Day For a 3 Month Old Baby?

Your 3 month baby might need 14 to 17 hours of sleep per 24 hour day.

Read Also: 4 Month Old Baby Sleep Schedule – Sample Schedule, Problems and Tips

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan,CA, B.Com

Gayathri’s passion for writing had its foundation at the very early stages of her life when she was on her college editorial board and also won several awards for writing events and book review competitions. She combines her corporate experience with her writing skills and her experience as a homemaker makes her an empathetic contributor in the parenting domain . Her shift from full-time accounting professional to a homemaker gave her career a new direction.Read more.

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