Stranger Anxiety in Babies – Causes And How to Deal With it

4 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Stranger Anxiety in Babies

Babies start to act fussy while meeting unknown people when they get about 6-8 months old. You don’t have to worry because stranger anxiety in babies is normal, and all infants share this common feeling. A baby feels safe when they are with their primary caregiver (you, your partner). However, they’re not sure if the new person is as caring as you, thus, they get distressed.

Your baby needs your help to feel safe around new people. By doing simple things such as asking the stranger to do their interactions with your infant’s favorite toy, you can introduce them to your baby. Further, be relaxed and comfortable as you talk to that new person. Remember, your baby will only feel safe around them if you are confident and happy around that person.

In This Article

What is Stranger Anxiety in Babies?

Babies get anxious when they come across new faces and this is known as stranger anxiety in Babies. All babies start to show signs of distress around strangers from around 6 to 8 months of age. So, if your darling is suddenly becoming upset in the hands of people they would easily go to, take it easy, it’s normal.

What Causes Stranger Anxiety in Babies?

baby is afraid of stranger

The image of a baby’s caregiver(s) begins to settle in their mind. Your little one sees that you’re their nurturer. Babies probably think something like “these two images(parents) give me all the care that I need, so I should cling to them”. Infants don’t know whether the unfamiliar faces will take care of them or not. Thus, your baby instinctively wants to stick close to you.

How Long Does Stranger Anxiety Last in Babies?

It cannot be stated that stranger anxiety ‘completely’ fades away at a certain age. Stranger anxiety starts to spring up when your little one is around 6 months. Their distress hits its peak when they touch 12-15 months of age. And most babies begin to relax while meeting new people once they are 2 years old. However, girls are faster than boys in leaving their stranger anxiety behind.

How Should I Help My Baby Cope With Stranger Anxiety?

Help Baby Cope With Stranger Anxiety

Your little one will soon get comfortable around new people. They simply need your love, patience, support, and care. Following are the steps that parents should take to deal with stranger anxiety in babies.

1. Patience is the Key

Recognize that there are no tricks that will make your baby’s stranger anxiety go away. Be patient – every infant progresses at its own pace. Even if their stranger anxiety is extreme, it’s all right. Express your empathy and don’t push them to meet new people if they’re too shaky about it.

2. Take Slow and Gradual Steps

Babies will feel distressed if they’re speedily pushed to interact and meet new faces. Instead, a slow introduction can give you good results. Tell that other person about your little one’s troubles with meeting new people. This way, they can interact while keeping a distance.

Take another example – you want to hire a babysitter. Let them visit your home a few times. Don’t take your little one promptly to them. After your baby gets familiar with the face of the babysitter, you can introduce them to your darling.

[Read : Steps to Take When Hiring a Nanny]

3. Don’t Leave Your Baby Completely With Strangers

Now, your baby is gradually becoming comfortable around that new person. Let the two of them interact a bit. Keep in mind that your infant should be able to see you even in their hands – be present. The two of you should interact with your baby together. Be very enthusiastic with the stranger. Your baby will get the idea that the stranger is not someone to be afraid of.

4. Let Your Baby See New People

Wear a baby carrier and take your little one out whenever you can. However, wait for them till they can control their neck muscles (at around 4-6 months of age). Turn their face outwards so they can gaze at the world and people. Parents who wish to introduce their babies to new people should ask for that person’s cooperation. Give your baby’s beloved toy in that person’s hand and ask them to interact with your infant in a gentle and friendly tone.

You may get a bit frustrated with your baby’s clinginess and unfriendliness with strangers. Relax – they will soon begin to show their adorable smiles and laughs to new people. Stranger anxiety in babies needs to be dealt with patience.

[Read : Separation Anxiety]


1. What is the Difference Between Stranger and Separation Anxiety?

Stranger anxiety differs from separation anxiety. Let’s say you’re leaving your baby in the care of their grandparents. In this situation, they are familiar with their grandparents. However, your baby is still troubled. This is separation anxiety.

Stranger anxiety on the other hand is a baby’s negative reaction to new faces or while being left in the care of unfamiliar faces.

2. Do All Babies Feel Stranger Anxiety?

Yes. All babies show different degrees of stranger anxiety. Some of them may react by getting very quiet in their mother’s hands, and many of them may express their feelings by crying.

3. What is the Best Way to Make My Baby’s Stranger Anxiety Go Away?

Be joyful when you’re taking your baby to meet new people. If you trust that new person, act cheerfully with them in front of your darling. They will recognize that ‘if mama is not anxious with this person, it means they are safe for me too’.

Read Also: When will, my Baby understand Words, Behaviour and People

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