Cough in Babies – Causes, Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

6 min read

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cough in babies

It is quite true that newborn babies are more prone to viral infections which can lead to symptoms such as cold, cough, fever, and so on. This might be because their immune system is not that strong to fight these infections. When a baby gets a persistent cough, it soon leads to pain in the throat and other related side effects. To get rid of such viral infections, it is essential to know more about cough in babies so that you can help your baby feel better.

Treatment for a cough in babies mainly involves easing the symptoms by providing enough fluids to your baby, keeping the air moist so that their nasal passages open up, and so on. However, young infants of 0-6 months must be taken to the doctor so that they receive treatment on time.

In This Article

Types of Cough in Babies

There are several types of coughs which affect babies. We have provided a detailed overview for each of them below:

1. Barking Cough

The barking cough in babies starts suddenly during the nighttime. The main reason for this cough can be due to a swelling in the upper airway which usually occurs in the trachea and larynx. This can be due to a virus known as parainfluenza and can interfere with your baby’s breathing patterns resulting in a cough. The symptom of this type of cough is a loud noise from harsh breathing while inhaling air.

2. Dry Cough

When your baby is affected by a cold or influenza, dry cough occurs. This is a broken type of cough and mainly affects the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nose as well as the throat. The dry cough gets worse when a child goes to bed to sleep or when they are in warm temperatures.

3. Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is just like a normal cough. An infant who suffers from whooping cough shows symptoms similar to that of a normal cough. This type of cough usually worsens at night. Babies less than six months of age are at a higher risk of contracting whooping cough since their immune systems are still weak. It is important to take your baby immediately to the pediatrician if you find symptoms of whooping cough in your baby to avoid further complications.

Top 6 Main Causes of Cough in Babies

Causes of Cough in Babies

A baby’s cough is a reaction to irritation which is mainly caused by the swollen throat or airways. There are plenty of reasons for coughing in babies and a few of them are listed below.

1. Flu

Flu is just like that of a common cold and in such conditions, a baby mainly suffers from a runny nose, fever as well as experiences diarrhea, and vomiting. This is one of the main causes of coughing in babies.

2. Cold

Your baby will be troubled by a runny or stuffy nose when they are suffering from a cold. Well, some other symptoms of cold are watery eyes, fever, and sore throat.

3. Asthma

Babies who are suffering from asthma might have tightness in their chest. This will make it difficult for them to breathe in and out and this is one of the common causes of coughing in some babies.

4. Allergies

Allergies, especially seasonal and food allergies are one of the most common causes of cough in babies. If you have introduced a new food to your baby and observe them to start coughing almost immediately, your baby could be allergic to the new food.  Allergy seasons can also trigger cough in babies who are prone.

[Read : Allergies in Babies]

5. Acid Reflux

Babies who are experiencing acidity or prone to acid reflux conditions such as GERD can also experience cough.

6. Tuberculosis (TB)

If your baby constantly suffers from coughing for around 2 weeks, then this can be a sign that they may be suffering from tuberculosis. When your baby shows the signs of breathlessness, loss of appetite, fever, or blood out in a cough, you will need to get your baby checked with a pediatrician at the earliest.

Symptoms of Cough in Babies

Parents must never ignore the signs and symptoms of baby cough. Because it can lead to the rise of several other illnesses and complications. Although the symptoms of cough vary from type to type some of the symptoms of cough are listed below:

  • If your baby is facing a lot of difficulty in breathing and is suffering from a cough for a longer time, then this can lead to the symptoms of bronchiolitis.
  • When you witness your baby coughing in a barking or hoarse noise, then this can be a sign of croup.
  • If your baby is suffering from asthmatic cough, you will notice that the cough gets more severe at nights, especially when it is cold and your baby is lying down. You will also observe wheezing and breathing problems in your baby.

[Read : Bronchiolitis in Babies]

How is Cough Diagnosed in Babies?

There is no specific diagnosis for cough. The pediatrician may ask you for the duration of cough in your baby and any other associated symptoms. Depending on the additional symptoms, the doctor may run additional tests to understand the underlying cause of the cough and provide treatment accordingly.

Tests may include physical examination, blood tests, imaging tests, X-rays etc.

Treatment Options For Cough in Babies

The treatment your pediatrician suggests will depend on the underlying causes which will be detected once the necessary tests are complete. In most cases, once the right treatment is provided, the cough will resolve. In the meantime, the doctor may recommend expectorant syrups if needed to provide temporary relief. Remember to use any medicine only after due consultation with the pediatrician. It is vital to stick to the dosage and timings if the doctor has subscribed a course even if your baby seems to get better.

How to Prevent Cough in Babies?

Prevent Cough in Babies

Cough in babies, especially due to a virus may be unavoidable. But there are a few tips you can follow to ensure that the chances are lesser.

  • Your baby shouldn’t come in contact with anyone who has cough, cold or a viral fever.
  • Talk to your doctor about possible vaccinations and medications if the flu or allergy seasons are going on.
  • Always give boiled and cooled water to your baby.
  • Avoid giving outside food to your baby especially during rainy seasons. This will help prevent a host of infections including viral fevers.
  • Sterilizing all utensils, bottles, glasses, and toys used by your baby will prevent the spread of viral infections.
  • Maintain cleanliness in your surroundings, especially in the kitchen and pantry areas
  • You will need to be careful at least till a year old so that they will have enough time for their immune system to develop.
  • Finally, any cases of persistent cough should be reported to the doctor immediately. Early treatments are vital to ensure that your baby is quickly back on track.

[Read : Flu Shots for Babies]

Home Remedies For Babies With Cough

Home Remedies Cough

Here are a few home remedies you can follow to help your baby who is suffering from cough.

  • Place a humidifier near your baby. Dry air can aggravate cough in babies. Placing a humidifier in the room will add moisture which can bring relief from a cough and help your baby feel better.
  • Keep your baby hydrated. Give them lots of fluids.
  • If you feel that your baby is having a cough due to a blocked nose, you can use saline nasal drops. Once the block reduces, your baby may feel better and the cough may also reduce.

Cough in babies is common. Fortunately, in most cases, coughs do resolve quickly. If you find that your baby is having additional symptoms such as fever and cold and is being cranky or is getting breathless, you may need to see a doctor immediately.


1. How Does Baby Cough Go Away?

In most cases, the cough will go away on its own. In the meantime, you can place a humidifier in your baby’s room, ensure that they stay hydrated and let them sip on something warm. In case of persistent coughs or coughs accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, you may need to take your baby to the pediatrician.

2. How Many Days Does a Cough Last in Babies?

With enough intake of fluids, most babies will get relief within 3-4 weeks on average in the case of viral fevers.

3. Can Breastfeeding Cure Cough in Babies?

Mother’s milk contains antibodies which can help fight various infections. So, yes, breastfeeding can help cure cough in babies.

Read Also: Nasal Congestion in Babies – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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