How to Still Be Intimate When Pregnant

4 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Pregnancy is a transformative and beautiful journey for couples. Still, it’s bound to bring about changes (and challenges!) in your physical and emotional relationship. 

One of the biggest challenges is maintaining intimacy during this period—mainly due to concerns about the baby’s well-being, how the mom’s body changes, and if there are pregnancy complications. 

However, with open communication, understanding, and some creative adjustments, couples can still nurture intimacy during pregnancy. Let’s see how:

Maintain Open Communication with Your Partner

The foundation of any healthy and intimate relationship is open and honest communication. Although an exciting time, pregnancy is fraught with potential stressors and changes, which can affect a couple’s ability to maintain open communication. Here are some points to consider:

  • Share your feelings: Both partners should feel comfortable enough to share their feelings, whether good, bad, or even a bit scary. Sharing thoughts, emotions, and desires about pregnancy intimacy can help couples better understand and trust one another.
  • Address concerns: Both partners must address any fears or concerns about sexual activity during pregnancy. Often, men are worried they’ll hurt the baby if they have sex while the mom is pregnant. If this is the case, speak to your healthcare provider together and discuss your specific situation. This can help to allay fears and make him feel more comfortable.
  • Discuss expectations: It’s a good idea to discuss your expectations for intimacy during pregnancy. It often happens that the goalposts for sexual intimacy change throughout pregnancy, so be prepared for these changes and agree on what is comfortable for both partners.

Expect and Understand Pregnancy Changes

As expected, pregnancy changes a woman’s body significantly, which can affect a couple’s intimacy. Therefore, understanding these changes is crucial for both partners to navigate this time.

Hormonal fluctuations are one of the most drastic changes a woman experiences during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can lead to mood swings and emotional sensitivity, nausea, libido changes, and even heightened sensitivity to touch and smell. If this is the case, being patient and supportive of each other’s emotional needs is essential.

Another change to anticipate is a physical change. As the pregnancy progresses, the pregnant mom might experience breast tenderness, weight gain, and a growing belly that can affect how both partners experience intimacy.

Additionally, many pregnant women experience fatigue and discomfort, which may affect their desire for intimacy. As the partner of a pregnant fairy, it’s essential to understand and accommodate these feelings.

What are the Different Types of Intimacy?

A common misconception is that sex and intimacy are the same thing.  However, intimacy isn’t limited to sexual activity. This is good news for couples where sex isn’t the be-all-and-end-all in their relationship and for expectant couples. Below are some examples of other types of intimacy:

  1. Emotional intimacy: You can nurture emotional intimacy with your partner by spending time together, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and providing emotional support. It’s helpful to regularly check in with each other about how you’re both feeling.
  2. Non-sexual physical intimacy: Examples of non-sexual physical activity include holding hands, cuddling, and kissing. Doing these things helps partners to maintain physical closeness without engaging in sexual activity, plus helps them feel connected.
  3. Communication: You can enjoy intimacy by whispering sweet nothings to each other and engaging in meaningful conversations. For example, you could discuss your future as parents, your expectations, and your dreams. This can deepen your emotional connection and enhance overall intimacy.

Sexual Intimacy During Pregnancy

Right! Now, we get to the juicy part you probably want to know. Can and should you enjoy sexual intimacy during pregnancy, or should you go celibate for a few months? The good news (for those who want it) is that sexual intimacy during pregnancy can be both safe and fulfilling with proper care and communication. Here are some pointers:

Seek medical advice

Consult your healthcare provider about any concerns related to sexual activity during pregnancy. They can offer guidance based on your circumstances, e.g., pregnancy-related conditions.

Focus on your comfort

As pregnancy progresses, certain sexual positions may become more comfortable or suitable than others. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you both. Also, use pillows or a belly belt to support and relieve pressure on your back and belly when looking for a comfortable position.

Use lube

It’s quite normal for hormonal changes to affect a pregnant mother’s natural lubrication. If you need a little help in that department, consider a water-based lubricant (we don’t want chemicals in there) to enhance comfort during intercourse.

Try new ways of pleasuring each other

If intercourse isn’t working for you during this time, there are plenty of other ways that you can be sexually intimate. You can use couples’ toys to stimulate each other, give and receive sensual massages, or even read erotic fiction together while cuddling.   

Safety Precautions for Sexual Intimacy During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is paramount that you practice safe sex, as you don’t want to risk any complications that could affect you or your unborn baby. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

Avoid Rough or Risky Activities

At any stage of the pregnancy, steer clear of activities that could cause strain or injury to the abdomen or genital area. This helps to prioritize the baby’s safety and avoid a complicated pregnancy.

Practice Safe Sex

If you or your partner have other sexual partners or there’s a risk of sharing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), ensure you use protection. STD treatment can be harsh and is generally not recommended during pregnancy as it can negatively impact the fetus’s development. Additionally, some STIs are transmissible to the baby during the birthing process.

Watch For Warning Signs

If you experience any unusual symptoms, such as bleeding, losing your mucus plug, pain, or contractions after sexual activity, it would be best to contact your healthcare provider immediately.


Maintaining intimacy during pregnancy is achievable with open communication, understanding, and a willingness to adapt to the changes at hand. It’s important to remember that intimacy is not confined to sexual activity, and you can still deepen your relationship, trust, and love for one another without it if it’s impractical for a while.

By prioritizing each other’s needs, respecting boundaries, and seeking professional advice when needed, you can continue nurturing and strengthening your relationship throughout the beautiful pregnancy journey.


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