Week 5 of Your Pregnancy


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Pregnancy Symptoms

Few of the symptoms which you may notice at five weeks are:

Morning Sickness/nausea

For most pregnant women, morning sickness starts at week 5, though some can experience it a week earlier or a bit later too. Some women do not exhibit this symptom at all. Do not worry if you do not experience nausea during pregnancy. Morning sickness can strike at any time in the day when you least expect it and is accompanied by nausea and nausea without vomiting, or sometimes even dry heaving.

Frequent Urination

Multiple bathroom trips are common during pregnancy and are due to the increased blood volume, your ever-expanding uterus, which puts pressure on your bladder, and hormonal disturbances. Make sure that you stay well hydrated during pregnancy, especially when you experience frequent urination. The chances of contracting urinary infections are high, and taking enough fluids can reduce the risk of contracting UTIs.


Headaches at this stage can be due to multiple factors. The increased blood volume in your body, changes in blood pressure, and hormonal spikes, can all play a role. In addition, the stress and excitement of pregnancy can add to the existing headaches. Some women have a cold and blocked nose as pregnancy symptoms. This can also trigger a sinus-like headache. Taking rest, and short power naps are possible, avoiding headache triggers such as caffeine, and relaxing with the help of meditation and relaxation exercises can provide some relief.

Food aversions

Food aversions majorly happen because your sense of smell is stronger than before, and you may not enjoy certain smells, especially of foods. Again blame the hormones for this, especially hCG. The surge of hCG triggers nausea and heightens smell sensitivity. You may not even tolerate the smell of some foods that once were your favorite.

Excess saliva

There are many reasons for excess saliva during pregnancy. Constant acidity, heartburn, nausea, and hormonal imbalances are among the most common. Drinking plenty of water, sucking on hard candy or gum, eating small frequent meals, and spitting out excess saliva can help you deal with the symptom.

Fatigue/excessive sleepiness

You must be feeling extremely tired and sleepy all the time. Getting up from bed may feel like a chore. But remember, this is not laziness. Your hormones are all haywire and your body is working extra hard to nourish the little bean within you. Eating healthy, staying hydrated, taking quick power naps, and doing small exercises can help deal with this symptom.


Progesterone is responsible for causing bloating in early pregnancy. This hormone ensures your baby is in place and reassures a healthy pregnancy. Its surge can result in slower digestion and may leave you bloated and heavy all the time. Try to break your meals, taking small and frequent meals can help combat bloating and indigestion.

Baby's Development

How big is your baby?

Baby’s Length: 0.34 cm
Baby’s Weight: 0.1 gm

At 5 weeks you are now into the second month of your pregnancy! The embryo is growing fast and rapidly. It is now the size of an orange seed. At this point in time the baby looks more like a tadpole than a human baby with a head and a tail. Before you start worrying, this tail will vanish as the baby develops.

From the embryo stage to a full fledged baby, its a long journey, which involves formation of all major and minor bodily systems from scratch. At this week, baby’s key organs like the heart and digestive system start forming.

The heart is pretty basic now with only two tiny tubes called heart channels. It’s not fully developed yet, but it has already begun pumping! At this stage however, it can’t be seen or heard during ultrasound. The circulatory system is also forming as blood is vital for formation of baby’s organs and other body systems.

The neural tube is also forming in the fetus. This tube will later develop into the baby’s brain and spinal cord.

The placenta is also developing and it will be fully formed by the end of first trimester. Once its in place, the umbilical cord will start providing oxygen and nutrients to your baby via the placenta.


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