Week 6 of Your Pregnancy


Days to go



Pregnancy Symptoms

Few of the symptoms which you may notice at six weeks are:

Morning Sickness

If you are not yet nauseous, consider yourself lucky! Brace yourself, because morning sickness can occur at typically any time of the day, not just in the morning. According to medical experts, 50 to 70% of pregnant women get morning sickness in one form or another, for example, vomiting, and nausea. Morning sickness is usually at its peak at week 9 and gradually decreases by week 12.

Spotting or Light Bleeding

Did you observe that you bled slightly? Don’t panic. While this experience can be scary, a bit of bleeding and spotting is quite common during early pregnancy. This happens because your baby is trying to burrow into the layers of your uterus so that it can find a home where it can grow. This burrowing can result in spotting which is usually very light. If you experience heavy bleeding with clots, you may need to immediately see your doctor.

Tender Breasts

Many pregnant women often complain of tender heavy breasts and the whole feeling can be uncomfortable. For most women, breast pain and tenderness start during this week. Hormonal spikes, especially prolactin, progesterone, and estrogen are responsible for this discomfort. Blood supply to your breasts also increases.

Frequent Urination

While some women experience frequent urination from very early in pregnancy, as early as 4th week, for other women it can happen much later. In all cases, increased bathroom trips are due to the pregnancy hormone called hCG. Did you know that your home pregnancy test kit shows a positive when this hormone starts finding its way into your urine? Some gynecologists also test for the presence of hCG to calculate your pregnancy weeks. hCG hormone has a tendency to increase blood flow to your kidneys, which is why you experience increased urination during pregnancy.


Many women experience extra tiredness and sleepiness during early pregnancy. It is because of the pregnancy hormones, increased blood supply, and placenta building. Pregnancy hormones can potentially take away most weeks in your first trimester, making you feel exhausted and drained all the time. Fatigue usually stays till the end of the first trimester. Meanwhile, all you can do is rest, eat and stay hydrated.

Excess Saliva

In early pregnancy days, it is normal for most women to feel nauseated. Nausea can result in excess saliva in the mouth that makes you uncomfortable. You can control this condition by sipping small amounts of water frequently, brushing your teeth, and by sucking a small piece of lemon.


Constipation during pregnancy is due to the slowed-down digestive system. Your body ensures the maximum absorption of nutrition at this stage because you have a baby growing inside that needs to be looked after. So, the whole work of digestion and excretion slows down, resulting in constipation. Include fiber-rich foods in your diet and stay hydrated. It is the only way to beat constipation during pregnancy.


Heartburn is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones tend to relax the food pipe, which leads to acid reflux and heartburn. However, you can beat this by staying hydrated and eating small and frequent meals.

Occasional Headaches

Pregnancy-related headaches are temporary and can be because of the anxiety and stress that you go through. For some women, pregnancy can also trigger sinus and migraine headaches which may continue till the end of the pregnancy. You may not have anything to avoid headaches during pregnancy, but get plenty of rest and proper nutrition. But, it is necessary to consult your OB-GYN if you experience headaches often, as these can be symptoms of gestational hypertension.

Food Aversions and Cravings

Food cravings and aversions are early symptoms of pregnancy. Aversions may end, but cravings can stay till the end of pregnancy. Aversions usually happen because your sense of smell is stronger than before because of the spiked hCG. You may hate your favorite foods because you can not even stand the smell of them.

Whitish vaginal discharge

Pregnancy is a sensitive time for us. Small changes can sometimes create panic. Increased vaginal discharge may be scary but it is, in fact, normal in most cases. Creamy white watery discharge happens due to hormonal changes. It is also your body’s way of preventing vaginal infections and keeping your baby safe. But remember, if you find a color change, quickly consult your doctor to be on the safe side.

Aversion to certain smells

Pregnancy hormones, especially the hCG, can increase smell sensitivity. It can trigger nausea and can make you feel sick and exhausted.

Baby's Development

Baby’s Length: 0.64 cm.
Baby’s Weight: 0.2 g.

In the 6th week, the baby starts to develop major organs like lungs, liver, and kidneys. The heart is also under development and has started to beat at around 110 beats per minute already. Isn’t it amazing? And if you go in for an ultrasound, you may just be able to see/hear the heart beating. But even if you can’t see or hear the heart during this week, no need to panic, as the timing may vary. But rest assured you will definitely hear or see it soon.

The baby’s face begins to take shape with mouth, eyes, jaw, and chin beginning to form. During this week’s ultrasound, the dark spot images which you see may be the eyes and nostrils of the baby.

It has also started to sprout tiny buds from its trunk, which will later form the arms and legs.

What are the tests done in First Trimester?

First trimester screening

This test includes a blood test and an ultrasound exam. It helps to determine whether the fetus is at risk for a chromosomal abnormality (such as Down syndrome) or birth defects (such as heart problems)


This safe and painless test uses sound waves to make images that show the baby's shape and position. It can be done early in the first trimester to date the pregnancy or during weeks 11–14 as part of the first trimester screening.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

This test checks cells from the placenta to see if they have a chromosomal abnormality (such as Down syndrome). It can be done from weeks 10 to 13, to see if a baby will be born with chromosomal disorder.

Cell-free DNA testing

This blood test checks for fetal DNA in the mother's blood. It's done to see whether the fetus is at risk for a chromosomal disorder, and can be done from 10 weeks on. It is not a diagnostic test

Things To Ask Your Doctor

  1. I have heartburn all the time. What can I do about it?
  2. Vericose veins. Is It a matter of concern?
  3. How to deal with Skin breakouts during preganncy?
  4. How to monito weight gain during pregnancy?


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