Week 10 of Your Pregnancy


Days to go



Pregnancy Symptoms

Ligament pain near pelvis

Your pelvis houses two round ligaments that stretch and tug with your growing uterus. As a result of this physical change, you will start experiencing sharp pains, cramps, aching, or even jabbing near your pelvis. While this pain can be concerning, you must understand that this is common, and for some pregnant women, this pain continues for the whole tenure of pregnancy and ends post-delivery.


Dizziness can occur due to hormonal spikes during pregnancy. An increase in blood volume may also lead to dizzy spells in the first trimester. In later stages, it occurs as the growing uterus puts pressure on large vein that carries blood back to the heart.

Visible veins

Your body starts to pump more blood during pregnancy to nourish your growing little one. If you see your veins floating on your skin, there is nothing to worry about this. Visible veins are common during pregnancy.

Excess Saliva

Ptyalism or excess saliva is common during pregnancy because of the hormonal rush. However, nausea or morning sickness can also trigger excess saliva. Stay away from foods or smells that trigger nausea, chew some sugar-free candies, and brush your teeth twice a day.

Sore Breasts

Sore breasts are at their peak during the first trimester of pregnancy. Your body is preparing to host the baby, and the hormones are going on a big-time ride. This hormonal rush can make your breasts extremely sore and heavy. Try to stay comfortable by wearing loose and comfortable clothing. Start shopping for bigger-size bras because your breasts are not going back anytime soon.


Among many body changes that you go through during pregnancy, constipation can leave you flabbergasted. It occurs because of a hormone called progesterone that slows down the digestive system. Slower digestion leads to slow movement of waste in the colon. It absorbs water and makes it harder to pass the stool. Include fiber-rich foods in your diet to beat constipation, and remember to stay hydrated.

Occasional Headaches

Although rare, headaches are one of the symptoms during pregnancy. An increased blood volume, pregnancy anxiety, and hormonal spikes can cause headaches. Avoid caffeine, as this can act as a trigger for headaches.

Food Aversions and Cravings

Food aversions and cravings are one of the loudest and most obvious symptoms. Hormonal rush and the extra nutritional needs of the body can cause cravings. However, there is no scientific explanation for pregnancy cravings, while aversions can occur because of the heightened sense of smell during pregnancy.

Frequent Urination

No doubt your kidneys are not giving you a break, your pregnancy is progressing very well, and your baby needs nutrition. Frequent urination is not going down anytime soon and may also increase as you reach the end of the second trimester. Your expanding uterus puts pressure on the bladder, making it store less urine.

Whitish vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal during pregnancy and can stay till the end of it. However, be watchful and inform your doctor if you see any abnormality.


Spicy foods, oily foods, and junk are what your body denies during pregnancy. Such foods can trouble your tummy at this crucial time. Allow your body to adjust to the changes, avoid spicy and oily foods, take small quantities of food frequently, and drink lots of water.


You feel exhausted and drained all the time because of pregnancy fatigue. Give it a break, and be easy on yourself. Your body is working harder than it usually does to take care of the baby on board.

Morning Sickness

Are you feeling uneasy and sick? Try to avoid doing things that trigger nausea. Now, you are already a pro at dealing with morning sickness. Take jaljeera and iced tea, as they can help you feel better.

Baby's Development

How big is your baby?

Baby’s Length: 5 cm.
Baby’s Weight: 4 g.

Embryo to fetus- that’s what your baby grew into this week.

Your baby by now has a fully functioning heart with four chambers. Of these four chambers, two ventricles pump blood to body and lungs, and two atria receive blood from the baby’s circulatory system.

This week around 20 teeny-tiny tooth buds start developing under the gums. Does this mean your baby will have teeth when it is born? The answer is NO! Teeth won’t begin sprouting till your baby is at least 6 months old.

Bones and cartilage are fast forming this week and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles.

The arms, complete with elbows, can flex already. Isn’t it magical? And although your baby’s arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is still teeny-tiny.

The stomach is producing digestive juices and the kidneys are making larger quantities of urine. Also, if it’s a baby boy, his body has started to produce testosterone.

Baby’s eyes are shut and hidden behind the eyelids. They will start to function sometime during the second trimester. There is a cute tiny button nose which is now visible and external parts of the ears have begun developing too.


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