Week 32 of Your Pregnancy


Days to go



Pregnancy Symptoms

Few of the symptoms which you may notice at 32 weeks are:

Mouth Sores

Are you suddenly developing mouth sores and wondering what is triggering them? Your pregnancy of course!! Hormonal changes can cause these less-discussed symtoms in many pregnant women. Vitamin deficiency, acidity, stress, and even lowering immunity can all trigger mouth sores in pregnant women. You can always speak with your doctor you will be able to indentify the underlying cause and suggest measures accordingly.

Darker Nipples

Like many other symptoms, darker nipples are a way of your body getting ready to welcome the new baby into the world. While the exact reasons for the darkening of the aerola are not clear, it is widely believed that hormones are responsible for the change in color. Some experts also believe that darker nipples are your body's way of ensuring that your baby is easily able to spot the target when nursing for milk. Human body is full of wonders, don't you think?

Vaginal Discharge

You will experience body changes accordingly too. You will be observe an increase in vaginal discharge at this stage and you may need to be watchful and talk to your doctor about the signs of a water break when your may need to rush to the hospital

Itchy Tummy & Skin

All through your pregnancy, you tummy is streching and going through constant changes which can result in a lot of itching. Add dry skin to the mix and you will have a real tough time dealing with the condition. In addition, hormones also can contribute to itching sensation all over your body. So, how can you deal with this. Staying hydrated is crucial. You should anyway keep drinking lots of fluids for a healthy pregnancy. In addition, you can also use good-quality moisturisers to keep your skin externally hydrated and reduce itching.

Baby's Development

How big is your baby?

Baby’s Length: 17.5 inches(42.5cms)
Baby’s Weight: 1.7 kgs

Your baby is now the size of an Elephant Foot Yam. Your baby resembles more to what they may look like at the time of birth. The chances for survival are great if they were to be born this week. Following are the development of your baby this week.

All of your baby’s major organs are fully developed now, except for their lungs. Baby will be inhaling amniotic fluid to give their lungs some practice.

Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair all are in place now. And some babies have a head full of hair by this week.

Baby’s skin is no more translucent and is completely opaque now.

Baby has assumed fetal position now. That means their legs are tucked up against their chest region. This is because as the baby is growing there is less and less space inside the womb. Hence, babies assume this position. But this doesn’t mean they are cramped up inside or are not comfortable.

Usually between weeks 32-38, babies settle down into the birthing position, which is head down, bottom up.
Baby is sleeping with regular sleep and wake cycles which would be the reason for the decrease in movement you are feeling during the day.


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