Sabudana For Babies – When to Introduce, Benefits and Precautions

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Sabudana For Babies

If a young baby has just started consuming solid food, then the mother would be extremely worried about the kind of diet the little one must be given. Young babies have a very weak and immature digestive system. In addition, they do not have the teeth to chew the food properly. That is why in such a situation, mothers want to choose the best food that contains the perfect balanced nutrients and is convenient for the baby to digest. Sabudana for babies is one such food which is easy for the baby to eat and digest, is tasty and provides the much-needed nutrition for growing babies.

Sabudana is considered to be an excellent choice for the body of babies due to a lot of health benefits that they are likely to provide. Many nutritionists and child experts have suggested this as a complete meal for babies and toddlers to supply nutrients like calcium, potassium, proteins and Vitamin K for holistic growth and development. Below are some sections that will help establish the supremacy of sabudana as an important constituent of the diet for young children and babies.

In This Article

Is Sabudana Safe For Babies?

Yes!! Sabudana is a nutritious introductory food for young babies. It has many essential nutrients. Sabudana provides the purest form of starch and carbohydrate-rich diet to the babies which provide high energy levels to growing babies who need loads of energy for all their activities.

This energy is enough to initiate the process of physical development. Most people were doubtful about the nutritional value of sabudana and if this product could have an advantage for babies. But all the doubts have been put to rest because it has emerged to be the best diet infants can enjoy, especially after 6 months.

When Can You Introduce Sabudana to Your Baby?

You can introduce sabudana to your baby once you decide to start them on solids, once they turn 7 or 8 months old. However, it is important to start slow with small quantities and gradually increase the intake. Keep the maximum intake at not more that 2 teaspoons of sabudana to your baby. You can start with a soft sabudana kheer or porridge that is cooked and blended well so that your baby can easily gulp it. Once your baby develops teeth and can chew well, you can introduce other recipes such as upma.

Nutritional Value of Sabudana

The nutritional value of sabudana per 100 gm is listed in the table below:

Nutrients Quantity
Calories 351
Protein 0.2 grams
Fat 0.2  grams
Carbohydrates 50 grams
Fiber 74  grams
Sugar 0 grams

Amazing Top 5 Health Benefits of Sabudana For Babies

Health Benefits of Sabudana For Babies

Sabudana is an essential source of protein and other essential minerals and vitamins that help the baby grow. It helps in the growth and nourishment of the body of young babies. It has all the properties of becoming the first food for your baby. The list of the advantages that can be obtained after the conjunction of sabudana are given below.

1. Helps to Improve Digestion

Babies have a weak digestive system. That is why they need to eat only the foods that can be easily digested and do not result in constipation or other kinds of digestion-related problems. Sabudana is one of the forms of the diet that is beneficial for the babies and is also convenient for them to digest without being hard on the digestive system.

Sabudana can be easily digested and does not result in constipation or any other kind of problem like bloating and gas. Most doctors usually recommend sabudana to young infants when they are between 6 to 8 months of age. Sabudana also helps in regulating digestion and ensures that the baby’s food is properly digested and the energy out of the same is obtained.

2. Bone Strengthening

Sabudana is also a rich source of calcium and iron. These important minerals are required to develop the bones at a young age. Sabudana can be given as an introductory food to all the babies to provide them with the required amount of calcium daily if they have stopped breastfeeding.

3. Boosts Energy Levels

As mentioned, sabudana is the purest form of starch and other essential carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are extremely helpful for the healthy development of the human body. This development of the human body usually takes place when the body has a required amount of energy, and sabudana can initially serve this purpose in young babies

It will prevent the babies from falling weak, and your little one will be energized for the entire day. This energy will not only help the internal development to take place but also will make the baby active to the greatest possible extent. Even a small amount of sabudana can help provide this level of nutrition and energy to the baby.

4. Helps to Gain Weight

Many babies usually remain underweight during the initial years. Instead of giving them different weight gain supplements, parents must switch to sabudana. Consumption of sabudana even on alternate days helps increase the body weight of the babies so that they no longer remain weak.

Sabudana has no side effects and is better than artificial supplements and powders, which claim that they will help the baby increase weight.

5. Helps in Regulating Body Temperature

Sabudana is an excellent munching food for the younger ones during the summer. It helps to maintain and regulate the temperature of the body. Overheating is very common in children, and sabudana helps keep the body cool.

Precautions to Take While Introducing Sabudana to Babies

Introducing Sabudana to Babies

Parents must take a few precautions when introducing sabudana to babies.

  • Start with very small quantities, ensure that your baby is accept the food well, and then you can slowly increase the quantity of sabudana you can give them.
  • Always soak and cook the sago pearls well before giving them to your baby.
  • It is true that sabudana is excellent for weight gain, but giving too much of it to your baby may result in unnecessary health issues. Moderation is the key.

[Read : The 3-Day Wait Rule For Babies To Introduce Solids]

Are There Any Side Effects of Sabudana For Babies?

Consumption of sabudana is quite safe and rarely causes any side effects. But it is important to keep the consumption at moderate quantities. Excessive consumption can cause the following side effects.

  • Sabudana can cause weight gain and can eventually lead to obesity.
  • The excess carbohydrate content can cause digestion-related problems such as gas and bloating. Diarrhea and indigestion are other possibilities.

Top 3 Tasty and Healthy Sabudana Recipes For Babies

Tasty Sabudana Recipes

Wondering how you can introduce sago pearls to your baby’s diet? Here are a few recipes you can try.

1. Sabudana Porridge(6 Months+)

Soak a spoon of sabudana seeds overnight. The next morning wash the seeds well and add them to boiling water. Allow everything to cook well. Turn off the heat. You can blend this mixture into a smooth puree. Cool it well before giving it to your baby. Remember not to add sugar or any sweetener if your baby is less than a year old.

2. Sabudana Kheer(8 Months+)

Add soaked sabudana seeds to boiling water. Cook well. You can add some formula powder to the kheer dish at this stage if you wish to. Make sure that the pearls are cooked well. Cook down before feeding this to your baby. For babies who are a year old or more, you can add milk to this dish.

3. Sabudana Upma(1 Year+)

Soak sago pearls overnight. Next day morning wash them well. Boil sago seeds along with finely chopped potatoes. You can add any other easy to cook and digest veggies of your choice such as green peas. Once all veggies and the sago are cooked to soft consistency, you can top this with a mild tempering of jeera, mustard seeds, asafoetida powder, and some lemon juice. Mix well and serve. You can add little salt for taste. Make sure your baby is able to chew solids well before giving this dish to avoid choking risks.

When planning to start solids, sabudana for babies is an excellent introductory food. It is easy to eat and digest and has all the nutrients a growing baby requires. So, do add this to your baby’s list of must-have foods.

[Read : Infant Choking]


1. Can Sabudana be Given to Babies Daily?

Daily consumption of sabudana can cause weight gain, and it must be avoided, especially in young babies.

2. Does Sabudana Increase Weight?

Yes, sabudana has carbs and starch which help underweight babies gain weight.

3. Is Sabudana Good For Loose Motion in Babies?

No sabudana is not beneficial for the same at all, especially in young babies.

Read Also: Chia Seeds For Babies – When to Introduce, Benefits and Precautions

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