Symptoms of Implantation Cramping

7 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

women in abdomen cramps
“Expecting the baby is just the beginning of expecting some of life’s most precious moments.” We can very well relate to your desire to see those two pink lines on your prega kit. The feeling within is parallel to the feeling of getting to know the result of your competitive exam for which you prepared day and night.

But, is the prega kit test the only way to know that yes you have succeeded? No, not at all. After all, when the body of a woman is successfully preparing to incubate someone so big and lively inside with multiple hormonal changes within, it surely does give a signal. And this signal is implantation cramping. But how to identify these cramps? What are the symptoms of implantation cramping?

In This Article

What is Implantation?

A woman becomes pregnant when an egg gets fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tubes. Now, after fertilization the cells start to grow and multiply, the fertilized egg, or the zygote as doctors call it, starts its journey towards the uterus to transform itself into a morula. This morula then grows into a blastocyst which then eventually burrows into the lining of the uterus so as to start its journey as a fetus for the upcoming nine months duration. This entire process or journey is termed implantation. Implantation usually happens six to twelve days after ovulation and this is approximately the same time when a woman would usually expect her periods to begin.

Therefore, implantation is a process in which the fertilized egg gets itself attached to the uterus, and from there, the embryo starts developing into the fetus in the next 9 months. A few early symptoms of the process may be bleeding and cramping, which is usual and sometimes indicates that you are entering into a whole new world of happiness.

Know about Implantation Cramping?

If you are planning to be pregnant and succeed in that, you might face a typical symptom of implantation cramping, which is common to almost all women in the world. It’s the body’s way of communicating that you as a woman are on the very of being transformed physically, emotionally, and mentally. So get prepared.

As pregnant women have defined, implantation cramps are pricking pains or light pulling, mainly in the lower abdomen, and similar to what women usually feel while they have their pre-periods cramping. They usually occur about 7-10 days before the expected date of menstruation, and most women mistake them as cramps that signal the onset of periods.

But why do these implantation cramps occur? It occurs because the mucous of the uterus melts, and this helps the egg to attach itself onto it for further development. It continues for a few hours to a few days, and its intensity can vary from being mild to severe, as stated by several to-be mothers.

What Does it Feel Like to Have Implantation Cramps?

Wondering, what are the early symptoms of implantation cramps in pregnancy? If experience is to be believed, then most of the women who have faced these cramps have stated that the implantation cramps are very similar to what they face during their menstruation cycle. The feeling is like light pulling on the lower abdomen and sometimes sharp pricking pain that continues for an hour or two; or sometimes more than a few days. Implantation cramping is not the same in the case of every woman. For some, its intensity is mild and for a short duration while for others it’s just the opposite.

Implantation cramping occurs throughout the pelvis or more so in the middle of the pelvis, but it is not very intense. So if you feel cramps or pain that are either moderate or more severe and also located off to the side as compared to the midline, then it is time to contact the doctor.

The signs and symptoms of implantation as mentioned here below can also be used to define the early signs of pregnancy or the signs which determine the onset of pregnancy. But remember that apart from implantation cramping, there are other signs of early pregnancy too.

Signs of Implantation Cramping or Implantation Bleeding

tired women sleeping on bed

Here are the symptoms of implantation cramping:

  • Mild sensations in the lower abdomen
  • Lightheadedness, fatigue, dizziness
  • Breast Sensitiveness: The woman might feel the swelling or tenderness in her breast when the implantation is successful.
  • Mood Swings, Irritability: Sudden emotional imbalance in a woman is also a sign of early pregnancy.
  • Missed Periods:  If you are the one who always had a good record of regular periods then, a missed period is one of the most sure-shot ways of believing that you are pregnant.
  • Food Aversions: The woman might become sensitive towards the taste and smell of certain food items owing to hormonal changes.

women holding her nose with a bowl of veggies

What are the Cramps Like in Early Pregnancy? And How are These Cramps Different from Cramps During the Menstrual Period?

The cramps that occur in most women while they are just diagnosed with pregnancy or even before that are quite similar to what they have during their menstruations. That is why most women fail to differentiate whether they are pregnant or about to get their periods. Mild pricking feelings in the lower abdomen or even on the sides, define the type of cramp a woman might get during her early pregnancy.

If assurance of pregnancy is all you want then a pregnancy test is the only way to draw a line between implantation cramps and menstrual period cramps. And if you want to judge by past experience of your friends then remember that implantation cramps are less intense and of shorter duration as compared to menstrual cramps.

How Long Does Implantation Cramping Last?

When the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, a woman might feel some cramps known as implantation cramping. It usually starts from 5 to 7 days after ovulation and might continue until the woman expects her next period. Sometimes the cramping might start a few days before the period is due and might last for an hour or a day too. However, as every woman is different, just like every pregnancy is, implantation cramping might not occur at all in some women as well.
women with hot pack for abdomen pain

Home Remedies for Implantation Cramping

The very first suggestion is to become more bearable towards these cramps. Remember this pain and cramps are worthy of what the end of the journey holds. But, still, if relief is all you wish for, then opt for any of the below-mentioned hacks:

  • Take a warm water bath or shower to relax your uterine muscles. This will ease the cramps a bit.
  • You might opt for heating pads too. All you aim at is a warm compress on your pelvis. But, while using the heating pad, make sure that its temperature is below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Use it for only 10 to 15 minutes at a single stretch.

What Do You Feel When You Have Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding is common when the fertilized egg gets itself attached to the uterus. It is light spotting from the vagina. Different women have different feelings when they undergo this physiological change in their body which might go from being mild to severe, mild headaches or feeling dizzy. Some women have also come up with feelings like mood swings, just as they have during their periods. Some women say they do not have any of those feelings and simply go away normally during implantation.

early pregnancy symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding begins even much before the woman starts experiencing morning sickness. So, it becomes even more essential to comprehend the symptoms of implantation bleeding.

You can call it implantation bleeding if:

  • Your blood being discharged is brown or pinkish in color.
  • The blood flow is light and does not last as long as the monthly period.
  • There are mild or zero crampings.
  • Blood discharge does not have any clots or tissues.

Apart from the above here are few more symptoms of early pregnancy which indicate that you are having implantation bleeding :

  • Tender, Swollen Breasts or Nipples
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Upset Stomach
  • Vomiting (Morning Sickness)
  • Food Cravings or Aversions
  • Mood Swings
  • Peeing more than usual

How Long Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?

Implantation bleeding differs from woman to woman . It also is not the same in color, duration, or heaviness when it comes to comparing it with menstruation bleeding. It might start on the 22-25 days of menstruation cycle for a woman with an average 28-day cycle and lasts for around an hour or might continue for a longer period. Once the woman is diagnosed with her pregnancy, it usually stops, and all associated symptoms are gone.

Implantation cramping and light bleeding or implantation bleeding are the signs of early pregnancy. But these signs are not observant in all women. So, it is essential to identify the other signs of pregnancy too. The best being a pregnancy test.

Women are born fighters and are said to have more endurance power than their counterparts. Her body is well equipped for all kinds of pain, especially when she is about to become a mother. So a light cramping during implantation might not be as severe. As compared to the excruciating pain she undergoes as she gives birth to a new life. The pain is compensated by the happiness she gets from being a mother.


1. Is it Normal to Get Cramps After Implantation?

Yes, it is. Many women suffer severe cramping during implantation. Some women have mild to no cramps.

2. Should I be Worried About Cramps After Implantation?

No, not always. It is your body’s way of adjusting to the new phase. However, if pain is unbearable, consult your doctor immediately.

3. Can Cramps in Early Pregnancy Indicate Abortion?

Not always. Sometimes an abortion starts with heavy cramping and bleeding. Many women experience cramps even in healthy pregnancies.

4. Will Early Pregnancy Cramps be Similar to Menstrual Cramps?

Yes, it will be. Both cramps happen in your uterus. It can be very similar and misleading.

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