Toddler Milestones – What Can You Expect at 34 Months?

7 min read

Written by Smita Srivastava

Smita Srivastava

Toddler milestones at 34 months

A 34-month-old toddler shows a lot of development and readiness to start school soon. By this age, they cross many toddler milestones and start becoming very independent. They can move and get the toy they want, play on their own, come up with play ideas, understand what happens around them, etc. All these are very important to start school.

Sometimes, it can be a little confusing, not knowing what exactly to expect from a 34-month-old in terms of toddler milestones. Is it okay if there is a delay in certain areas? When should you start worrying or pitching in? Read on to know all about it.

In This Article

Developmental Milestones For 34-Month-Old Toddlers

A toddler girl arranging her toys

Some developmental toddler milestones for a 34-month-old are-

Gross Motor Skills

  • Gross motor skills are stronger and better. Toddlers at this age love to jump, run, and climb
  • Some toddlers might even try to jump or skip over small items on the ground
  • Jumping is a very important milestone that is necessary to develop further physical skills
  • It requires strength in the lower limbs and coordination in movement and toddlers attain this around the age of 3 (1)
  • So you may not see your toddler stopping abruptly before crossing over a toy or a stone

Social Emotional Development

  • Toddlers at this age show more interest in imaginary play. This helps in development of the toddler’s social, emotional, language and thinking skills. It also helps in nurturing their imagination (2
  • You can find them repeating dialogues and scenarios from earlier in the morning or the previous day 
  • They will play with 2 or more characters and can even use dialogues for each character 
  • You can catch them using the tone, words or situation they experienced earlier – in their own version 
  • You may have just corrected them but if they perceived it as scolding, they might raise their voice and shout during pretend play


  • If you are singing to your toddler or sending them to play school, most of them will start reciting rhymes and songs
  • They will go off-tune and use random words but will not shy away from singing
  • Some may love the attention and not hesitate to put up a “Show” for everyone
  • Some toddlers may feel shy and will sing only when they are playing on their own or with immediate family
  • Toddlers will use the words and tunes they hear often


  • Some toddlers may be ready to start reading
  • If you read to your toddler or show them the letters of the alphabet regularly, they can identify a letter or two
  • They may not always recognize it, especially if the font is different. they may suddenly point to the letter and pronounce it loud
  • Similarly, they can identify one or two numbers too, if they have the required exposure
  • They may read it right today and forget it completely tomorrow. It is okay, it is not a regression

Language Development

  • Some toddlers may start counting if they have regular exposure to it
  • If you play games with your toddler that involve counting, they will easily pick the numbers
  • They may miss a number or two in between and forget the order at times but will show readiness to learn to count
  • If you are teaching them the letters of the alphabet, they can recollect some of them too
  • Toddlers with no exposure to numbers or letters may only repeat if you teach them. Just give them time

Organizing Abilities

  • Your toddler will start organizing their toys in an order now
  • They will arrange their toys by size, color, or even type
  • They will spend a lot of time just arranging and rearranging. Some will even mix up their toys and arrange them all in one particular order
  • Their focus is improving and they can perform an activity for a few minutes without distraction now
  • Do not disturb your toddler when they are fully engrossed in such activities


  • Some toddlers will show interest in ride-on
  • Some may still not like how fast the ride-on moves and can resist when you push them
  • Some toddlers will love the speed and ask you to push them faster
  • If they can reach the ground, your toddler might start using their feet to push themselves on the ride-on. They will learn to control the ride-on very soon

Growth Chart For a 34-Month-Old Toddler

An average 34-month-old height and weight will be as follows-


Weight – 10.7 – 17.3Kg
Height- 86.7 – 100.6 Cm


Weight – 11.2 – 17.6 Kg
Height- 88.0 – 101.5 Cm

(This chart is just an indication and these parameters may vary from one toddler to another)

Tips to Boost Your 34-Month-Old’s Development

Here are some tips for parents to aid their 34-month-old’s development in attaining their toddler milestones-

1. Using Cutlery

Teach your toddler how to use cutlery

If your toddler is not using cutlery yet, teach them. Teach them to use child-safe forks and knives for their snack or meals at home. You can use your adult cutlery to show them how to do it. Eating together can help them pick up the skill faster.

2. Actively Listen

Actively listen to your toddler

It can be tough to listen to your toddler who just can’t stop talking. Ensure you set aside a few minutes to “actively” listen to them. This will encourage your toddler to talk and express. It is an important element of effective and confident communication. Constantly tuning them out or just nodding while doing other things will eventually discourage them from sharing or expressing their thoughts and feelings.

3. Teach Them About Cleanliness

Teach your toddler about cleanliness

Teach your toddler to not litter. Show them how to use a dustbin and ensure you always model this behavior. Even if you were to discard something small on the road or the ground, they are sure to observe and repeat the same.

Health And Care of Your Toddler

Little girl jumping in puddle

Here are some ways to effectively take care of your growing toddler’s health to help them attain those toddler milestones-

  • In case of repetitive episodes of constipation or diarrhea, check for food allergies. Start noting down what your toddler consumes and when the body reacts negatively to it
  • If your toddler loves to jump in puddles, invest in a pair of rain boots and a raincoat to keep them dry
  • Don’t give your toddler probiotics without consulting your pediatrician first. Though meant to be good for health, your toddler may be too young for it

Some Useful Tips For Your Toddler

Let your toddler peel banana

Here are some useful tips to aid your little one in meeting their toddler milestones-

  • Reduce the water flow in your washbasin tap. Adjust the knob on the pipe so that even if your toddler opens the tap fully, only limited water flows out. This will help reduce water wastage when they are washing their hands or face
  • Use a stool in the toilet for your toddler. This can help them reach the tap or to sit on the toilet without much help
  • Give your toddler a sand clock to turn before they start soaping their hands to wash. Ask them to soap their hands until the sand empties on one side. Toddlers can’t see or understand time, so this can help
  • Open just the tip of the banana peel and let your toddler peel it all by themselves. If needed just help them remove the strings of the inner peel sticking to the fruit
  • Start looking at venues and ideas for themes if you plan to throw a birthday party for your toddler’s third birthday. Choose a theme and location that is both entertaining and safe for overly active toddlers who won’t pay any heed to warnings and advice

Just a couple of months more until your little toddler turns 3 years old. If you look back on the toddler milestones your little one has crossed, you are sure to feel incredibly proud. Letting your toddler know how much you appreciate their efforts and abilities can help boost their confidence levels. Be their proud cheerleader and watch them flourish.


1. What Should a Toddler be Doing at 34 Months?

A 34-month-old toddler should be able to pick small items without help, try to throw and catch a ball, use more words with clarity, ask why or what questions, show interest in using a pencil or crayon and also attempt to color.

2. Why is my 34-Month-Old Refusing Naps?

If your 34-month-old toddler is getting good quality undisturbed sleep all night, they may start dropping their afternoon naps. They will continue to take naps on days they are tired or bored. If they are active, playing with another toddler, or learning some skill, they may be too stimulated to go down for a nap.

3. Why is my 34-Month-Old Waking up at Night?

Night terrors and wet diapers can be a big disturbance during the night. Toddlers get very imaginative and their imaginations can get very active at night, thus waking them up. A soothing bedtime routine to reduce anxiety can help them sleep better.


  1. Jumping Motor Skills in Typically Developing Preschool Children Assessed Using a Battery of Tests – []
  2. The Effect of Role Playing Methods on Social-emotional Development in Preschool Children – []
Smita Srivastava,MA (Mass Comm), BA (Mass Comm)

With a background in Mass media and journalism, Smita comes with rich and vast experience in content creation, curation, and editing. As a mom of a baby girl, she is an excellent candidate for writing and editing parenting and pregnancy content. The content she writes and edits is influenced by her own journey through pregnancy and motherhood. When not writing- She can be found curled up with a book. Or, bingeing on Netflix.Read more.

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