What Are The Best First Foods For Babies?

8 min read

Written by Tamali Ghosh

Tamali Ghosh

Baby first foods

Nothing could be cuter than a baby with food smeared all over her, but the mouth! Weaning a baby is an important milestone and indicates that your little pumpkin is growing. When it comes to introducing solids to your munchkin, you should be ready to have more food on you and her than inside her mouth! You always want to give the best first food to the baby and think about the best first foods for babies.

The baby is so small and cute, imagine how big would the stomach be. And with the still-developing digestive system, you need to ensure that her first foods are unlikely to be allergens and are easy to digest. It is an important responsibility of the parent to start solids safely and right. You cannot afford to make trial and error in this process. So first check for symptoms that your baby is ready for solids.

In This Article

How do I know The Right Time to Introduce Solids For my Baby?

Every baby should meet certain criteria before you decide to introduce solids to them. The key deciding factor is that your baby must have completed six months of age (1).

In addition, your baby must be able to

  1. Sit straight upright
  2. Put objects in their mouth with their hand
  3. Control their head and neck movement
  4. Notice and react when they see the family members eat
  5. Open their mouth whenever offered foods
  6. Swallow the food
  7. Have developed the habit of chewing or keeping things in the mouth

Once your baby reaches the above milestones, they can join you at the dinner table.

However, start with a one-meal-per-day concept for the first few weeks and slowly increase numbers, along with the new item.

Refrain from adding salt and sugar to your baby’s food thinking her food would be bland. Remember, the baby does not know sweet and salt, so they do not miss it.

[Read : Baby And Solid Foods: When And How to Introduce]

What Can Be The Best First Foods For My Baby?

List of baby first foods


Below are a few highly recommended and healthy baby foods that are best while you start solids. 

1. Apple

The best choice is to start with apple. Make sure you boil apples in filtered water and peel them off, smash the boiled fruit, and feed your baby.

2. Ragi

The other best choice to start with is ragi. Though you get readymade ragi powders in shops, we suggest you buy the whole ragi, soak it for two hours, and blend it with water. Take this filtered ragi puree, cook it on low heat, let it cool, and feed it to your baby.

3. Potato

Once your baby is settled with one of the above-mentioned foods, smashed-boiled potatoes can be given.

4. Daal Pani

Dal paani is a protein-rich food and can be the first liquid food for your little one. Boil the daal and give the water to the baby.

5. Carrots

Carrots can be given in boiled and mashed forms. Remember to remove the center hard part before cooking to make it easy to cook and eat.

6. Rice Pani

Rice water is a fiber-rich liquid food and is an excellent choice to provide nourishment and hydration to your munchkin,

6. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of nutrition for babies. Smash the banana well before feeding to prevent choking. You can avoid feeding the center parts of the fruit with seeds during the initial days of introducing this fruit.

7. Pear

Best baby first foods

This healthy fruit can also be introduced to your baby in a similar fashion to apples. Boil and smash pears before feeding your little one.

8. Rice

Now your baby is ready for water-boiled, smashed rice. You can mix a little daal into the rice and slowly increase the proportion.

9. Soups

Soups are excellent sources of nutrition and hydration. You can start with basic soups such as potato or tomato. As your baby grows, you can introduce mixed vegetable soups.

10. Idli

Idli is a safe, versatile, and healthy food that can be given to babies easily. You can smash idlis in milk (if your baby is introduced to cow milk already) or water. If your baby enjoys a sour taste, idli can be smashed with curd too.

11. Beetroot

This nourishing vegetable can be boiled, smashed, and given to your baby. Beetroot rasam and soup are excellent choices too.

12. Oats

Soak oats, wash well, and boil in water or add milk (if your baby is introduced to cow milk already). Add jaggery while cooking or honey after cooking.

13. Boiled Egg Yolk

Boil an egg for min 10 minutes, separate the yolk, and feed it to your baby. As your baby grows older, you can introduce the egg white part too. You may need to be mindful if there is a family history of egg allergies.

14. Purees

Avocado puree is rich in nutrients. Just smash the avocado and give it to the baby.  Sweet potato puree is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B6. Boil the sweet potato and smash it to feed the baby. For green pea puree, boil the green peas, and make a smooth paste for your baby.
Peach puree is similar to apple puree. Peach is the richest source of antioxidants which strengthen the immunity of the baby.

How to Cook And Prepare Food When Introducing Solids For The First Time?

Cooking baby food

When you start solid foods for your baby, make sure that the foods are smashed, and smooth in texture. During this period puree and clear soups are the best options for your little ones.

Changing from liquid to solid can make your baby uncomfortable, they can gag or spit it up. Gradually their oral skill will improve and thicker consistency foods can be introduced. As the baby is in the learning process of chewing and swallowing, ensure that the baby will get the soft foods that are easily dissolved in their mouth and avoid choking hazards (2).

Here are some tips for cooking and preparing baby foods:

  • You can mix mashed cereals with breast milk or formula milk to make it slightly loose and smooth.
  • Properly boil the cereals, vegetables, and fruits until they become soft and smooth.
  • Soft fruits can be smashed by hand or you can use a fork to make a smooth puree.
  • Remove skins from the vegetables and fruits before smashing them. Similarly, remove all the fat and bones from the poultry items before cooking.

Tips To Introduce Solids To Babies

The above are a few foods that are highly baby-safe and easy to digest. A few tips below can help to make eating habits easier and healthier.

  1. Always start with one spoon the first day, observe reactions, a few spoons the second day, and only when your instinct gives a green signal that the baby is comfortable digesting the food, start it as a meal
  2. Continue one food per week once introduced, then start the next item. Do not allow the excitement to rule the decision here
  3. Salt and sugar need not be added till your baby’s first birthday. You can add a little jaggery if you feel the baby expects the food to be tasty
  4. Wash the vessels and the food items thrice before use. Sterilize the dishes if required
  5. To encourage your baby to self-feed when she grows, start by giving a spoon in their hand, where they learn to take the food, play with it, and try to feed themselves. You can meanwhile feed them with another spoon
  6. A strict no to TV cartoons, or pads while feeding as your baby doesn’t realize the importance of eating
  7. Avoid foods that could choke the baby, like grapes, berries, hard texture, and thick consistency foods.
  8. Starting solid foods can change the texture and consistency of a baby’s poop. If you find that baby’s poop is loose and watery or hard and dry then consult with your paediatrics immediately.
  9. Closely monitor the baby when introducing potentially allergic foods like eggs, cow’s milk, fish, and wheat. Consult your doctor if you find any suspicious physical or behavioral changes in the baby.

[Read : The 3-Day Wait Rule For Babies To Introduce Solids]

Tips to Make First Food a Joyful Experience For Mom And Baby

What Can Be The Best First Foods For My Baby_

The Initial stage of weaning or starting solid foods for the baby can be stressful for the new mom. But it is a learning process for both the mother and the baby. Babies are learning how to eat and swallow foods which can take some time to adapt. Therefore, mothers need to understand that it will take time and effort to guide them on how to eat food. If you follow some tips then you can enjoy your baby’s initial days of learning.

  1. Never force your baby to eat, stop feeding if they start crying while eating
  2. Starting solid foods is a gradual process. You can provide breast milk or formulas in between solid foods.
  3. Gradually increase the number and quantity of solid foods.
  4. Do not rush to finish the bowl. Allow them sometimes to swallow the food.
  5. Adjust food consistency as per their preferences. It can vary with babies.
  6. Follow the regular time of feeding. Maintain proper gapping in between solid meals.
  7. Avoid adding any spices to the foods in the initial days. Enable them to relish the natural taste of the food.
  8. Encourage them to eat with their own hands. It will stimulate their eating desire.

After six months of the baby’s age, breast milk or formula is not sufficient. Weaning is important for babies’ growth and development (3). You may find multiple options for your baby but need to understand what are the best first foods for babies. It is a learning process for both of you. So, take your time and patience to closely monitor the baby and recognise their preferences which may help in the future.


1. What is The Best Food For my Baby’s First Meal?

You can start with fruit and vegetable purees. Veggies and fruits are rich in nutrients and easy to digest. In addition, babies would love the sweet taste of fruits and veggies.

2. What is The Best First Food to Puree For Baby?

Carrot puree and apple puree are the most common purees for babies. Both of them are appropriate for the baby’s taste buds and rich in vitamins and minerals that help in the baby’s development.

3. What Fruit Should I Start my Baby on First Fruit?

Your baby’s first fruits can be anything which may include smashed banana, apple, avocado, and peaches. Always try to provide them with fresh seasonal fruits for better nutrients.


  1. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Weaning among Mothers in Najran Region, Saudi Arabia, 2021 – PMC – [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8906984/]
  2. A review formulation and development of weaning food for infant – [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354271566_A_review_formulation_and_development_of_weaning_food_for_infant]
  3. The weaning practices: A new challenge for pediatricians? – PMC – [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9303897/]
Tamali Ghosh,M.Sc (Food & Nutrition) BSc ( Food & Nutrition )

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