High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive – Is it Safe?

6 min read

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Hypertension and Conception

The journey of conception can be quite a challenge for some couples while a smooth sail for others. Many health complications can hinder the process of conception or affect the health of the mother and fetus once pregnancy is achieved. One such condition that can affect conception and pregnancy is having high blood pressure when trying to conceive.

Blood pressure indicates the ability of your heart to pump blood to the various parts of your body. High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, can cause many complications if left unchecked. In this article, we discuss the impact of high blood pressure when you are planning to conceive and the effective way to manage hypertension to have a safe conception and pregnancy.

In This Article

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps it throughout the body. It is measured in two values-

  • Systolic pressure – when the heart contracts
  • Diastolic pressure – when the heart is at rest

A healthy blood pressure reading is typically around <120/80 mm Hg.

Is it Safe to Have High Blood Pressure When You Are Trying to Conceive?

High BP Safe When Trying to Conceive

High blood pressure is not a safe condition whether you are planning to have a baby or not. Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, paralysis, and other conditions. 

Chronic high blood pressure when you are planning to conceive can reduce your chances of a successful conception.

In women, high blood pressure can reduce fertility levels due to excessive estrogen production. Low estrogen levels lead to poor egg quality which will in turn lead to failed implantation. Sometimes miscarriages can also occur.

In men, chronic high blood pressure can lead to low sperm count and volume, motility, and low morphology, all of which affect male fertility. Those taking certain blood pressure medications can also face low fertility rates as a side effect of the medications.

Causes of High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive

Having high blood pressure when you are planning to conceive may be a cause for concern. There are many factors that can contribute to high blood pressure. Some of the major factors include

1. Obesity

People with excessive weight and higher BMI are at a higher risk of developing hypertension or high blood pressure due to the excessive load on the heart to pump blood to all parts of the body.

2. Stress

The current generation is facing constant stress, both physical and psychological. This stress often leads to high blood pressure.

3. Lifestyle Habits

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, excessive eating, intake of junk and processed foods, and lack of a proper routine can all contribute to high blood pressure.

4. Genetics

Some people may be genetically predisposed to high blood pressure and this can become a problem when they are trying to conceive.

5. Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Certain pre-existing medical conditions, including kidney problems and diabetes, are linked to an elevated risk of hypertension which can cause issues when attempting to conceive.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension Symptoms

One of the concerning aspects of high blood pressure is its often-elusive nature during its initial stages. Referred to as a silent condition, it may not manifest noticeable symptoms.

As the condition progresses, however, affected individuals may begin to experience a range of indications, such as

  • Recurring headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired or blurred vision,
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Episodes of shortness of breath

Being vigilant about these potential signs becomes crucial to prompt intervention and management.

Risks of High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive

The impact of high blood pressure on conception and pregnancy cannot be overlooked.

  • Expectant mothers facing hypertension during conception are at a heightened risk of encountering various complications that may adversely affect both their well-being and that of the developing baby once they get pregnant.
  • Preeclampsia, a condition characterized by elevated blood pressure and organ damage, poses a significant concern. It can lead to severe complications, including premature birth, which is associated with its own set of health challenges for the newborn. Low birth weight is another potential risk, impacting the baby’s growth and overall health.

Diagnosis of High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive

Blood pressure can be diagnosed by regular checking and monitoring using a digital or digital blood pressure monitoring machine. If you suspect you have high blood pressure, you can visit a physician who will do a basic blood pressure check and then prescribe additional tests if needed. Depending on the results, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help maintain the blood pressure at permissible levels.

Regular check-ups help in keeping track of blood pressure levels, allowing healthcare providers to detect any abnormal changes and take timely action. Early detection and intervention can significantly mitigate the risks associated with high blood pressure during conception.

Treatment Options for High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive

Consulting a Cardiologist

When it comes to managing high blood pressure during conception, a comprehensive approach that blends lifestyle changes with medical interventions can pave the way for a healthier pregnancy. Here are the treatment options to consider

1. Regular Checkups And Medication Adjustments

If you are currently taking medication to manage your blood pressure, it’s crucial to review your prescription with a healthcare professional. Certain medications, like beta-blockers, are generally safe during pregnancy. Others, such as ACE inhibitors, pose potential risks to a potential pregnancy. Hence you must seek advice from a cardiologist to evaluate your medication and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a safe pregnancy if you happen to get pregnant.

2. Cardiologist Consultation

Before diving into the exciting journey of pregnancy, consulting with a cardiologist is highly recommended. The expertise of a specialist will provide you with valuable insights and reassurance regarding the management of your condition. A cardiologist can offer guidance, ensuring your high blood pressure is well controlled, and address any concerns you may have.

3. Watchful Eye on Preeclampsia Once Pregnant

Women with hypertension face a 25 percent higher risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure and high-protein secretions in the urine. Keeping a vigilant eye on your blood pressure levels and attending regular prenatal check-ups will aid in early detection and prompt intervention if necessary.

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure When Trying to Conceive?

Taking proactive steps to prevent high blood pressure can be the cornerstone of a successful conception and a thriving pregnancy. Here’s how to foster a healthy environment.

a. Balanced Diet

Nourish your body with nutrient-rich meals, steering clear of excessive salt and unhealthy fats. The right balance of nutrients can foster overall well-being and support blood pressure regulation.

b. Regular Exercise

Embrace an active lifestyle, incorporating physical activities that bring you joy. Remember, exercise not only benefits your heart but also boosts your mood and fosters a positive outlook.

c. Stress Management

Find your zen and make relaxation a priority. Whether it’s taking short breaks throughout the day, spending time in nature, or indulging in a warm bath, stress reduction can work wonders for your overall health.

d. Health Monitoring

If you have pre-existing medical conditions, collaborate closely with your healthcare provider to manage them effectively. Regular check-ups and monitoring will help keep your health on track during the journey to conception.

When Should You Consider Seeing a Doctor?

When to Consult Doctor

Before embarking on the beautiful journey of parenthood, consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional, especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or related medical conditions. Early assessment and management will be your allies in optimizing your health and increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Remember, knowledge is power, and by staying proactive and informed, you pave the way for a more fulfilling and joyous pregnancy experience. Embrace a holistic approach to health, listen to your body, and savor each step on your path to parenthood.

Conceiving a child is a remarkable journey that should be approached with care and consideration for the health of both the parents and the baby. Understanding the implications of high blood pressure and taking proactive steps to manage and prevent it can significantly improve the chances of a successful pregnancy. Remember, open communication with healthcare providers and making positive lifestyle choices are key to embarking on this path toward parenthood with confidence and joy.


1. Does High Blood Pressure Affect Egg Quality?

High blood pressure can potentially impact egg quality, as hypertension may compromise blood flow to the ovaries, affecting egg development. Proper management and monitoring of blood pressure are essential to support overall reproductive health.

2. Can Stress Exacerbate High Blood Pressure While Trying to Conceive?

Yes, stress can contribute to elevated blood pressure levels. Adopting stress-relief techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises, can be beneficial for those trying to conceive while managing high blood pressure.

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