Natural Birth Vs Medicated Birth

4 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

Natural Birth Vs Medicated Birth

The moment you find out you are pregnant, you will embark on a journey of debates and discussions. One main topic, in any case, will be natural birth vs medicated birth. Right, from what is right during pregnancy, what should you eat, and what you should avoid to whether you should breastfeed or formula-feed your baby, whether you should continue working or quit, and whether you should have a natural birth or medicated birth – the list is practically endless.

In fact, you would notice that the mere mention of these subjects triggers lots of emotions amongst women, sometimes to the extent of being controversial. As a community, we largely hold the personal preferences of the woman in question, and hence as we take upon natural birth versus medicated birth, we’d list the pros and cons of both without condemning one side or the other.

In This Article

What Is A Natural Birth?

When delivery happens without the use of any pain medications or other drugs through the vagina is natural birth. Natural birth is a highly rewarding and satisfying experience, only if you start preparing for it in advance. Because labor is hard, if you are not mentally prepared for it, you might find it to be a traumatizing experience.

What Is A Medicated Birth?

When vaginal childbirth involves the use of medications to lessen or completely eliminate the pain during labor, it is said to be a medicated birth. A medicated birth is an option where various pain relief medications are used as per a woman’s specific conditions and your doctor will choose the one that suits you the best.

If you have planned for a medicated delivery, you can discuss the same with your doctor and get to know about your options to make an informed decision.

Pros And Cons Of Natural Labor

Natural labor, roughly put, is the way God designed births to be. Though there is no denying that it is very hard to cope with intense, strong contractions, it is worth mentioning that natural birthing provides the mothers with a feeling of empowering and accomplishment.

Benefits Of Natural Birthing

Being in charge of your own body and controlling how it behaves gratifies the whole birthing experience. Some of the Benefits of Natural Birthing are listed as under:

1. The Freedom to Move

During and after natural childbirth, the mother can move about, change positions, use the bathroom, and walk and shower after the delivery

2. Better Pushing

During a natural birth, you can feel and understand your body’s reflexes easily, allowing you to push better and when required

3. Controlling Positions

During natural childbirth, you will feel the pain in your body in a particular position and so will take a position that pains the least. This way, your labor pains serve the purpose of changing positions which help the process of birthing

4. Quicker Recovery

Recovery after having natural childbirth has often been described as faster and easier. Most mothers are able to walk and shower and feel at peace. They can also eat right away if their appetite permits. Plus the sense of accomplishment acts as a great booster

5. Alert Moms and Babies

After a natural birth,  both the mothers and the babies are alert and vouch for each other’s touch. This makes breastfeeding an easier and achievable task for both parties, easing out the whole process. This enables the newborn baby to quickly adjust to his new surroundings, setting the way for trouble-free days ahead

Disadvantages Of A Natural Birth

However, a natural birth also has its own share of discomforts such as –

  1. Perineal tearing or the need for an episiotomy
  2. Extreme, unbearable pain
  3. Hemorrhoids and bowel issues after delivery
  4. Urinary incontinence
  5. Traumatic and mentally challenging

What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Medicated Birth?

The doctor choose medicated birth if a woman has that fear of the pain and discomfort and is anxious about it. While contractions can still be felt, the intensity of the pain is significantly decreased. The pain relief method or epidural will be chosen by the doctor addressing your specific needs.

It can be an analgesic, tranquilizer, or anesthetic. They administer these drugs intravenously, through an IV drip, or through a tube via the spine (epidural). The effect of these pain relief medications depends on the dosage and how far into the delivery.

Benefits Of A Medicated Birth

Let’s have a look at the benefits:

1. Painless Delivery

The greatest benefit of having a medicated birth is the fact that the pain, reduces considerably though you are still aware of the birthing process.

2. Beneficial During Long Labor

Women who have long and intense labor spanning many hours can benefit from medications and allow the mother to relax. This enables her body not to fight with the labor.

3. Ease in Anxiety

Some mothers can be overly anxious and terrified and in such cases, pain medications can help them feel less stressed. This way it will not affect the natural progress of the birthing process.

4. Helps You Cope

Some mothers may find it particularly hard to cope with labor, and nothing may seem to help. In such a case, a medicated birth can help the mother move through exhaustion and irritability and help her focus and relax enabling more positive childbirth.

Disadvantages Of A Medicated Birth

Now let us know what are the disadvantages of having a medicated birth:

1. Continuous Monitoring

Some medications can lower your blood pressure and this can cause the fetal heartbeat to drop. Hence, continuous monitoring helps to ensure that the baby is getting enough blood.

2. Longer Labor

Women doctors who administer epidurals or medications like Pitocin could end up having longer labor, and pushing could be difficult.

3. Side Effects of Medications

Mother may experience some side effects like headaches, shivering, ringing of the ears, backache, soreness, persistent bleeding, and numbness in the lower part of the body. You may need assistance to walk or use the bathroom.

4. Difficult Breastfeeding

Though ambiguous, some research has suggested that breastfeeding may be difficult for both the mother and the baby after a medicated birth.

It is important to note here that though the risks exist, some women have amazing and satisfying birth experiences.
Because labor and childbirth are so complex, there is no one method that would fit all. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding when it comes to natural birth Vs medicated birth. Considering your emotional and physical well-being and other parameters that are crucial.

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