Exercising While Breastfeeding – Is it Safe?

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Exercising While Breastfeeding

As a new mother, your primary concern is taking care of your little one. You will go to every extent to make sure that your baby is safe, healthy, and gets everything they want. While you take care of your baby, you must take care of yourself too. Self-care must be an important part of every mother’s routine. Activities such as mild exercises can get the endorphins flowing and give you a feel-good factor. But is exercising during breastfeeding safe?

There may be many concerns for mothers who want to restart their workout schedule. Will exercising be safe when you are breastfeeding? Will workouts affect the milk supply? What exercises are allowed? If you have these questions, read the article to understand the impact exercising will have on breastfeeding.

In This Article

Can You Work Out While Breastfeeding?

Yes, it is. Exercise is not only safe during nursing but also incredibly healthful! Exercise can help you get your body in terrific shape for the months and years to come, whether it’s yoga, easy movement, or a brisk stroll. To be sure your body is prepared to do so following birth, consult your healthcare physician before engaging in any activity more intense than gentle exercise.

Studies have found that exercising during nursing really helps the body retain calcium. Breastfeeding typically reduces a woman’s calcium deposits in her bones. Exercise and nursing may coexist healthily, with advantages for your heart, waistline, bones, and mood. Milk tastes sour when a woman exercises because activity raises the amount of lactic acid in her circulation. Lactic acid levels do rise in breast milk, but only when the action is very severe. Nonetheless, many newborns breastfeed contentedly and experience no difference in taste (and the lactic acid disappears quickly); also, there is no impact on nutrition in this case.

Does Exercise While Breastfeeding Affect the Milk Supply?

No, exercising when you are breastfeeding does not affect the milk supply in any way. Despite myths surrounding this topic, there has been no scientific studies that prove exercises as being a problem for milk production.

You can safely work out while feeding your munchkin. But ensure to stay hydrated. Exercising can result in losses of salt and electrolytes. If you are dehydrated, your milk production may be lower.  Drinking enough water and fluids will ensure that you produce enough milk for your baby.

Maintaining enough calorie intake while exercising and being hydrated will likely prevent you from experiencing problems with your milk production.

[Read : How Much Water To Drink When Breastfeeding?]

Top 6 Exercises You Can Consider While Breastfeeding

Exercises when breastfeeding

Here are some exercises you can consider. But remember to talk to your gynecologist and take their guidance before starting.

1. Take a Stroll

Quick walk with your baby is good for your bonding, good for your baby and lets you burn some calories too.

2. Jog a Little

You can go alone or with your infant. You may take your infant for a jog with the help of jogging strollers.

3. Join a Yoga Class

Look for a yoga class or other fitness program that allows you to work out with your infant.

4. Go Swimming

Swimming is a great full-body, low-impact exercise.

5. Home Exercise

Use a dancing or exercise DVD, or go on the treadmill. Exercise equipment at home makes working out more convenient and is great for rainy days.

6. Go Biking

This will allow you to have some me-time while you leave your baby in the care of a family member. Rejuvination is very important for mothers who are caring for their babies round the clock.

[Read : 10 Fun Exercises To Do With Your Baby]

Amazing Benefits of Exercising While Breastfeeding

Benefits of Exercising While Breastfeeding

You already know that nursing and exercise are helpful, but did you know they work together better? Here are some compelling reasons to begin moving:

1. More Vigour

Being a new mom may be demanding, and exercise helps you conserve energy while you’re up late nursing.

2. Improved Mood

After giving birth, doing enough exercise may prevent postpartum depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PPD affects around one out of every eight mothers (CDC).

3. Weight Loss

Breastfeeding already burns between 300 and 500 calories daily, and combining it with exercise can aid with postpartum weight reduction.

4. Baby Bonding

Exercise enhances your mood, which, when paired with breastfeeding, increases your bonding potential with your kid.

[Read : Bonding With Your Baby]

5 Tips For Breastfeeding Mothers While Performing Exercises

Tips For Breastfeeding Mothers when exercising

As a new mother, you may be worried about how to proceed with your workout schedule while caring for your little one. Here are a few tips for you.

1. Begin With Low-Impact Workouts

Suppose you want to start working out again while nursing. Start with low-impact activities. Walking outside with your infant in nice weather is an excellent opportunity for both of you to get some fresh air and a little exercise. Regular walks can boost serotonin levels, increasing happy sensations and mood. After consulting your doctor, you may begin with moderate activity and gradually incorporate aerobic and strength-based exercises into your everyday schedule.

2. Avoid Fast Weight Loss

Focus on total health rather than weight loss while creating a fitness regimen or nutrition plan. Losing more than one pound each week during breastfeeding may increase the number of environmental contaminants in your breast milk. This is caused by burning fat too rapidly, which causes toxins in your body fat to enter your circulation and breast milk. If you have fast weight loss, speak with your doctor about ways to avoid it. A diet high in nutrients and calories can assist.

3. Eat Healthy

Consume a minimum of 1,800 calories every day. According to research, parents who breastfeed their newborns for at least the first 3-6 months of their baby’s life may or may not have an easier time losing pregnancy weight – it all depends on each mom’s particular scenario.

Losing weight while nursing is safe if you follow a nutritious, balanced diet rich in nutrition and good for you. Most nursing mothers require at least 1,800 calories per day. Not getting enough daily calories might result in fast weight loss, decreased milk production, reduced levels of essential vitamins, malnourishment, and frailty.

Weight loss may be too quick, especially in the beginning, and a mother may need to supplement nutrient-rich calories from her kitchen to satisfy her daily calorie requirements. Creating a diet with a doctor or nutritionist can help you and your baby acquire the nutrients you require to be healthy.

4. Stay Hydrated.

Keep hydrated. Aside from nutrition and exercise, don’t forget to drink enough water! There’s no need to overdo it, but busy women may overlook the need to stay hydrated for their energy levels and milk production.

Many coaches explain that if you’re dehydrated, your body needs something to hold onto to use the other routes. “It is advised to drink more water before starting an exercise regimen since a dehydrated body cannot make adequate milk.”

5. Before Exercising, Consider Nursing or Pumping

Exercise may be challenging when your breasts are full. Many mothers find feeding or pumping the baby before working out allows them to exercise more efficiently. Make a workout or fitness regimen so that your activity habit follows pumping or breastfeeding. In this manner, you’ll ensure optimal comfort during your workouts.

Pay attention to your body and notice whether you’re thirsty or have water close at hand as a reminder to drink plenty. If ordinary water bores you, try almond milk, fresh fruit, or vegetable juices as a terrific way to receive extra nutrients and fluids when nursing.

Are There Any Side Effects of Exercising While Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can cause problems even though it is healthier and better for you and your baby. Many of them are manageable with the aid of a lactation consultant and some persistence. If it takes some time to do things correctly, don’t give up. Here are some typical difficulties:

  • In the early days or weeks, you can experience pain.
  • It is impossible to gauge how much food your infant is ingesting.
  • You must be cautious while consuming alcohol, caffeine, and prescription medications. Some chemicals that enter your body are transferred to your infant through breast milk.
  • Infants regularly eat. Sticking to a feeding schedule could be challenging if you have to go back to work or do errands.

Exercising while breastfeeding is absolutely safe. In fact, it can be good for the mother and the baby in many ways. If you have any questions or concerns about your workouts, do not hesitate to consult your gynecologist. They will be able to guide you accordingly.


1. Can Work Out Clogged Milk Ducts?

Anything that stops the breast from emptying completely is the primary cause of clogged milk ducts. This might be caused by a sports bra that is excessively tight or by having too few frequent feedings. Even the way you feed your infant might result in clogged ducts and mastitis. When breast milk is not frequently eliminated, it can build up and cause a blockage. Additionally, a nipple bleb may restrict the milk channel. When the body produces too much milk, the breast may become engorged and get blocked. Additional causes include exhaustion, excessive activity, dehydration, and weaning.

2. Is it OK to Breastfeed After Sweating?

Before working out, you can also breastfeed or express milk for your child. To get rid of the sweat from your skin before breastfeeding your child, if you decide to do so after working out, you must take a shower or wash your breasts. Your milk supply is unaffected by exercise. Without worrying that working out would reduce your breast milk supply, you can work up a sweat as much as you like.

Read Also: Getting Back In Shape Post Delivery

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