First Trimester Pregnancy Advice For Partners – Week By Week

7 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

First Trimester Advice For PartnersPregnancy is divided into three trimesters. The first three months are called the first trimester. This is an exciting and terrifying time for both of you. And while there is ample advice available for pregnant women, there is none available for their partners or spouses. First trimester pregnancy advice for partners could come in handy, especially for first-time pregnant couples, who may find the journey a little tough to navigate on their own. 

Pregnancy is the perfect time to strengthen the bond with your wife or partner, especially during the first trimester which is the trickiest time of pregnancy. Give your help and support to make the pregnancy easier and more special. It is good to sign up for antenatal classes or talk with other Dads-to-be and learn more about pregnancy and birth. Reading up will also help, and hence you will find this article really helpful with some excellent first trimester pregnancy advice for partners.

In This Article

First Trimester Pregnancy Advice For Partners

The first trimester is a crucial and transformative period for expectant parents, especially for partners who play a crucial role in providing support and care. As your partner navigates through the initial twelve weeks of pregnancy, understanding their physical and emotional needs, being patient and communicative, and actively participating in prenatal appointments and decision-making can foster a strong and loving bond, setting the stage for a healthy and joyous pregnancy ahead.

Week 4

The most common symptom of pregnancy is morning sickness. This starts as early as 4 to 7 weeks of pregnancy. A woman may experience nausea and vomiting at any part of the day or night. It is essential to consult with your health care provider to begin prenatal care as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. 

Pregnancy symptoms at week four are usually breast tenderness, general tiredness, mild cramping, slight spotting or bleeding. Some pregnant women do not have these symptoms. At week 4 the embryo has just been implanted in the uterus lining and thus the development of the baby has just begun.

How Can Partners Help?

Partners can try to understand the needs of expectant mothers. They can show their care in many ways, like-

  • Partners can encourage a healthy lifestyle by participating in exercises, helping with the preparation of nutritious meals, and avoiding substances that are harmful to the pregnancy like smoking.
  • Partners should accompany the expectant mother to prenatal visits. They should adjust their office schedule to make time for the doctor’s appointment. This is a small gesture that will really make your partner feel loved and secure.

Week 5

Week 5

Week 5 denotes that you are well into the first month of pregnancy and noticeably the menstrual period is missed. In case you have not yet visited the doctor, it is time to confirm your pregnancy and discuss prenatal care. By the end of week 5 or beginning of week 6 the baby’s heart starts to beat. It may be early to detect the heartbeat on an ultrasound but it is a significant part of your baby’s development.

How Can Partners Help?

Partners play a crucial role in extending their care for the expectant mother.  Some first-trimester advice for partners on how they can extend support to their wives is-

  • Try to learn and educate about the changes occurring during this stage of pregnancy. One can attend classes, read books, and even read reliable sources and websites on the internet to equip yourself with knowledge. Doing it together will ensure you both are on the same page
  • Pregnancy can be an emotional upheaval and your understanding and willingness to listen and reassure the expectant mother creates a feeling of togetherness 

Week 6

The baby’s heart is developing further and the tiny heartbeat might be detectable on an ultrasound. The major organs, like kidneys, liver, and lungs are starting to form and though it is still in the early stages, their basic structures are taking shape. The baby’s arm and leg buds are starting to form and the facial features are beginning to take shape. Expectant mothers must maintain a nutritious diet, initiate gentle exercises or activities recommended by their healthcare provider, and stay hydrated.

How Can Partners Help?

Partners can continue extending essential support to their wives during the sixth week of pregnancy. Some first-trimester advice for partners on how to help is- 

  • Help with household chores including cooking. Even small gestures like chopping vegetables, cleaning up after dinner, etc. will go a long way
  • Pay attention to her specific food cravings or aversions. She may forget but do remember to give her medicines, etc. on time. 

Week 7

In week 7, major organs and body systems are starting to form, including the brain, heart, and neural tube. Facial features are beginning to develop and limb buds are visible. 

How Can Partners Help?

Partners can offer support and care to the expectant mother as she experiences significant changes and tries to adjust to the early stages of pregnancy. They can do stuff like-

  • Encourage their wife to have a healthy balanced diet, stay hydrated, and engage in light exercises as recommended by the gynecologist. You can even go for a walk together.
  • Help your partner relax by offering foot massages, back rubs, or creating a calm environment at home. 

[Read : Healthy Diet During Pregnancy]

Week 8

Week 8

The major organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines continue to grow and develop and the baby’s heart becomes more complex in structure. Limbs continue to grow and tiny fingers and toes start to form though they may still be webbed.  The baby’s facial features become more distinct with the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth taking shape. The brain continues to grow rapidly, and the nervous system becomes more intricate. 

How Can Partners Help?

Partners can continue to be a valuable source of support for the pregnant woman. Ways in which partners can help are-

  • Run errands and reduce the workload on the expecting mother.
  • Prepare or help plan healthy meals.

Week 9

During the ninth week of pregnancy, major organs of the baby’s body are forming and becoming more specialized. The heart is fully developed and beating with a regular rhythm. The limbs are now well-defined, with fingers and toes separating from their initial webbed appearance. Facial features are becoming more distinct, with eyes moving closer together on the face. 

How Can Partners Help?

Partners need to be understanding and be around during the ninth week of pregnancy. Some advice for partners to be more present is- 

  • Be a good listener. Be available and receptive when the pregnant woman wants to talk about her feelings, fears, or any concerns related to her pregnancy.
  • Consider reading books, attending parenting classes, and seeking online resources together to prepare for parenthood.

Week 10

Week 10 of pregnancy marks the end of the embryonic stage and the baby is now officially referred to as a fetus. The body systems and major organs have formed during this week. The fetus is not yet fully matured but it can move its limbs and joints. By now the gender is distinguishable through ultrasound, but it still might be early to accurately determine the sex of the baby.  

How Can Partners Help?

  • Discuss birth preference and birth plans together. It is important as a couple to be on the same page for pregnancy and delivery
  • Keep learning about pregnancy and fetal development. Show some excitement about this momentous journey you both are on

Week 11

By this time, most of the baby’s major organs are formed and some begin to function too. The heart is beating at a rapid rate and can be detected through ultrasound. It’s still too early for the mother-to-be to feel any movements yet.

How Can Partners Help?

Pregnancy can be both an exciting and challenging time and having an understanding partner can make a great difference. Some of the best first-trimester advice for partners to make this time memorable is-

  • Plan and indulge in activities together, which will help your partner relax
  • Read books or play soothing music for the baby in the womb. It’s a great way to bond with the unborn baby 

[Read : Benefits Of Listening To Music During Pregnancy]

Week 12

Week 12

During this time, the baby’s bones are beginning to harden and the body is becoming more proportionate. The baby’s liver is starting to produce bile and the kidneys are producing urine.

How Can Partners Help?

Navigating through pregnancy may seem tough at times for both you and your wife. But, it’s at times like these when the partner has to step up and act responsibly. Some things you can do to make the expectant mother feel loved are- 

  • Maintain an open and honest communication with your partner. This will not only help to eliminate any misunderstandings but will also strengthen your bond
  • No need to step out if your wife is not feeling up to it. You can reconnect at home to by indulging in activities like spending a quiet evening at home watching a favorite movie, having candlelight dinner together, etc.

[Read : 25 Movies You Must Watch During Pregnancy]

Week 13

At this stage, the baby’s vocal cords are forming, the intestines are moving from the umbilical cord into the abdomen and the fingerprints are starting to form in the tiny fingers. Some expectant mothers may begin to notice a small and noticeable bump.

How Can Partners Help?

Inevitably partners should continue their valuable support and care to the mother-to-be. The first trimester is tough on the woman, a partner can-

  • Offer words of encouragement and positive affirmations to make their wife feel better and to put them in a positive frame of mind
  • Showing affection through simple gestures like hugs, cuddling, and back rubs will make the wife feel good 

Being present and involved with your better half throughout pregnancy is essential. Remember you both are pregnant. So,  accompany her during prenatal visits to monitor the progress of your baby and be her biggest support during tough times, it will strengthen your bond and bring you closer. Make future plans like parenting styles, and baby names, and also do preparations for your baby’s arrival. Hope this article on first-trimester advice for partners is going to be beneficial for all those dads-to-be. So, stop worrying and enjoy this beautiful journey with your better half.


1. Is It Safe To Exercise During The First Trimester of Pregnancy?

In general, light to moderate exercise is considered safe during the first trimester if you have a healthy pregnancy and no complications. Consult with your doctor before you start any exercise.

2. Is It Normal to Experience Spotting or Light Bleeding During The First Trimester?

Some light spotting or bleeding during the first trimester is relatively common and is known as implant bleeding.

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