Second Trimester Pregnancy Advice For Partners – Week by Week

9 min read

Written by Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

Second Trimester Advice For PartnersPregnancy usually takes a toll on the physical and emotional health of a woman. In fact, doctors and researchers in recent times have come up with the fact that their partners also face a lot of physical and emotional stress during pregnancy. Interesting is it not? That is why, it is a journey that both are undertaking, and each one needs to support the other. Hence, some second-trimester pregnancy advice for partners during this time will come in handy for both of you.

Well, there are several symptoms associated with pregnancy that your partner or wife will go through. All you can do is stand by her and support her along the journey. But how? Here’s what you need to know and understand. In this article, we shall discuss and advise you about how you can be of great support during the second trimester. Let’s get started with some awesome second-trimester advice for partners!

In This Article

Second Trimester Pregnancy Advice For Partners

The second trimester of pregnancy is a time of remarkable growth and development for both the baby and the expectant parents. As a partner, your support becomes even more significant during these middle three months. With the initial challenges often behind you, the second trimester offers opportunities to connect further with your pregnant partner, actively engage in birthing classes, and celebrate the approaching arrival of your little one.

By remaining attentive, compassionate, and involved, you can enhance the pregnancy experience and foster a deeper sense of togetherness as you prepare for the next chapter of parenthood.

Week 14

Your partner is stepping into the second trimester this week. Well, congratulations on making it successfully! The placenta continues to develop and provide essential nutrients and oxygen to the baby. The fingernails and toe nails are forming and at this stage, the baby’s ears have moved to their correct positions on the sides of the head.

How Can Partners Help?

The second trimester is often referred to as the ‘Golden Period’ of pregnancy. That’s so because most of the annoying symptoms like morning sickness, often subside making it easy for the woman. Does that mean your role is over? No. These pointers on second-trimester advice for partners will come in handy for you- 

  • Be patient and flexible. Hormonal changes and physical discomfort can cause mood swings in pregnant women so partners should be patient and flexible
  • Surprise her with little gestures of love and care. It can be as little as bringing her flowers

Week 15

You might notice that your wife is suddenly so energetic and happy. Her morning sickness might take a backseat and give way to some pleasant mornings. However, there are other symptoms of pregnancy that you need to be aware of and help your wife or partner to cope with. 

How Can Partners Help?

Partners can be helpful during the fifteen week of pregnancy and expectant mothers await that too. During this week of the second trimester, advice for partners is to-

  • By this week, your baby may begin to recognize voices. So, keep talking to them so they can start recognizing their dad’s voice 
  • Your partner may begin to develop swollen feet and back pain. Try giving them warm or cold compression to ease the pain
  • When the morning sickness subsides, your partner might have an increased appetite and notice a slight weight gain. Try to support them and make them feel wonderful even with the additional pounds that they may put on

Week 16

Week 16

During week 16, the pregnancy symptoms would continue, and new ones may pop up. Giving them mental and physical confidence is essential to face the pregnancy phase easily. 

How Can Partners Help?

Some second-trimester advice for partners to follow this week is-

  • As your wife or partner develops cravings and appetite, choose healthier options. Well, that does not mean depriving them of junk and street food. But support and encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy
  • Accompany them for walks. This can be a great time for you guys to bond
  • Remember to accompany them to the doctor’s visits. 
  • Be there for them whenever required 

Week 17

During the 17th week of pregnancy, you might notice that your wife or partner might feel more tired and face frequent headaches. This is quite a common scenario during pregnancy. Swollen hands and feet may increase tiredness and make them more restless.

How Can Partners Help?

You both have come a long way since you first came to know about your pregnancy. A partner’s love and support mean a lot during this critical time for the pregnant woman. Here’s how you can help-

  • Give a good massage to relax and give them relief from swelling, if any
  • Try to give them the emotional support that they require. Sometimes, not disturbing them or taking a backseat and allowing them to do what they want is the best help you can offer.
  • Let them take a good rest and allow their body to rejuvenate

Week 18

You may notice that your wife or partner’s belly is starting to show a little bit. As the belly grows, they might feel clumsier and face difficulty doing their day-to-day activities. They may also feel dizzy as there are chances of lowering blood pressure during this week. Well, you might have gotten used to her mood swings. Else, get ready to face them more frequently.

How Can Partners Help?

Be understanding and exercise patience when your wife is in one of her moods because of hormones. This is the best second-trimester advice for partners we can give you. Apart from this, you can help by-

  • Help them out in their everyday chores
  • Keep checking their blood pressure and make sure to attend all doctor checkups
  • Understand their mood swings and help them cope with it

Week 19

Week 19

During the 19th week, your partner’s ligaments and muscles might loosen up, leading to heavy knee and back pain. It’s time to take things a bit slow.

How Can Partners Help?

  • A good knee and leg massage would be the best for your wife or partner this week. Significantly, while the muscle loosens up, every part of the body might panic even when performing their regular day activities. Easing the pain may give them more comfort
  • Hire a full-time or part-time help if you live in a nuclear setup to ease your wife’s workload a bit

Week 20

Wow! You have come halfway through your pregnancy! As partners, sharing the pregnancy phase with your loved ones is fantastic. Crossing the halfway point could be overwhelming, but remember, the most challenging second half is on the way, and your loved one might require more support from you in the upcoming weeks.

How Can Partners Help?

Want the best second-trimester advice for partners? Well, read on to find out- 

  • During this week, the doctor might recommend an anomaly scan to check the baby’s development. Do accompany your partner or wife to the scan, giving them more confidence in facing the pregnancy 
  • This is a much more detailed ultrasound and you both may be able to see the baby clearly with details. Share your excitement about seeing the little one on the scan

Week 21

The second half of pregnancy may begin with gas and bloating. Further, heartburn could be a significant discomfort as the uterus keeps expanding, especially at night.

How Can Partners Help?

Your wife may feel tiny flutters in her tummy. These are the baby movements! They may not be so pronounced yet, but don’t worry the kicks too will come in a few weeks down the lane. Keep taking care of your partner in these ways-

  • As a partner, you must encourage her to eat more healthy food. Junk and spicy food can aggravate bloating, gas, and heartburn. With your encouragement, they can surely opt for a healthier lifestyle 
  • The second trimester is a phase where your partner can comfortably travel. Try taking her for a short trip or babymoon. It might give a good change of environment

Week 22

You may notice stretch marks on your wife or partner’s tummy. Most women get depressed with stretch marks. Remember that it is just a phase, and they will return to normal postpartum.

How Can Partners Help?

Continue showing love and care through your thoughts and gestures. Find new ways to connect with your pregnant partner and make them feel cherished and special. Apart from this, some more second-trimester advice for partners is-

  • You can sing songs to your baby and let them listen to your voice 
  • Apply moisturizer to your wife. She may be finding it difficult to bend down and do it herself. You can do it for her. This small gesture will do wonders for her mood! 
  • Babies love caressing. Massage or caress your wife’s pregnant belly gently. You may expect fluttering or light movement in response. Enjoy it!

[Read : Preventing Stretch Marks in Pregnancy]

Week 23

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, your little one inside might begin to breathe well and develop their sleep cycle. Your wife or partner is continuing to achieve different milestones of pregnancy. They may feel breathlessness and pain in the rib cage. 

How Can Partners Help?

As the belly size grows, your wife’s weight increases and your confidence may dip a little. What with clothes not fitting, water retention, etc.? This is the time when you need to go the extra mile and make them feel sexy and desirable. Boost their confidence by- 

  • Take them shopping! Make them buy new clothes which are specifically made for pregnancy. There are some really cool and sexy options available these days. Right clothes which fit well, will make them feel confident and sexy.
  • They may be facing trouble with sleeping. Get them a sleeping pillow. It will help a lot.
  • Talk, talk, talk. Sometimes all you need is a good pillow talk or a good and open conversation to get closer.

[Read : How To Use Pregnancy Pillow?]

Week 24

The 24th week of pregnancy is just a step ahead of the previous week, where all the symptoms continue and aggravate. The baby grows rapidly this week, and the uterus keeps expanding. Your wife or partner might experience extreme back, knee, and leg pain.

How Can Partners Help?

Continue giving them comfort and make them feel at ease. Every week has a new set of advanced symptoms for your loved one and you to cope with. It would help if you kept encouraging and helping them out over the weeks. Some ways in which you can help is-

  • Help with chores around the house
  • If needed, it’s high time that you kept a domestic help
  • Pamper your wife in different ways
  • If the doctor says yes, then enroll them in a yoga class. Yoga helps a lot during pregnancy and delivery

Week 25

Week 25

During week 25, your wife or partner’s face may become puffy and swollen. Thanks to the pregnancy hormones that result in water retention. Make sure to discuss the same during the doctor visits. This might result in a severe condition called Preeclampsia if not correctly diagnosed.

How Can Partners Help?

As pregnancy is progressing, be more careful and watchful of your partner. Don’t let them over-exert themselves. Step in whenever and wherever you feel is required. Don’t wait for them to ask every time. Some other second-trimester advice for partners is- 

  • Give your wife or partner adequate attention and allow them to nap peacefully. Give them a good foot massage as they doze off
  • Also, accompany them to every doctor visit and make sure they explain all the discomforts to the doctor. 
  • Pregnant women usually come across pregnancy brain, a condition of forgetfulness often experienced by all pregnant women. Try to be their sticky note and remind them about everything they need to do from taking medication on time to eating on time, and even telling the doctor about all symptoms they are experiencing.

[Read : Forgetfulness During Pregnancy]

Week 26

This is officially the last week of your second trimester. Remember that, as a couple, you are inching toward the end of the second trimester. For some women, tiredness may return, and so may nausea, headaches, etc. Just don’t panic and rest well.

How Can Partners Help?

As the second trimester draws to an end, this marks the ending of the so-called golden period as well. As time is passing by, a little anxiety is normal. But don’t let it scare you or put you under stress. One partner is already facing a lot of discomforts etc. If you also fall prey to anxiety and stress it will be very hard. Read on to find out how all you can continue to support your wife-

  • Try giving them more rest and ensure that they stay hydrated throughout the day 
  • You might notice that your wife or partner might have sudden midnight cravings. It is beautiful to take late-night trips for the cravings
  • Pamper them by applying some skin cream as their skin gets dry and itchy due to hormonal changes. Take this opportunity to get close as well
  • Apart from taking care of your wife, give some love and care to yourself too. Meditate, exercise, walk, do anything which puts you in a better mood and alleviates your anxiety  

Wanting for help and extending help when required is the best thing that can happen during pregnancy. Most women feel depressed and exhausted even without releasing it. If partners come forward and give them the support they require, it could reduce so much stress on their shoulders. So, follow this second-trimester advice for partners and get equipped with taking care of your wife excellently. We wish you both a happy and safe pregnancy!


1. How Can Fathers Help During the Second Trimester?

The fathers play a significant role in providing physical and mental support. They can support their wife or partner in relieving the pain and giving them the confidence that they are together in the pregnancy journey.

2. Why is a Father’s Role Vital in Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, whether planned or a surprise, the father’s role is essential in reducing the mother’s stress levels. Reducing stress levels helps the baby and the mother physically and mentally.

Gayathri Lakshminarayanan,CA, B.Com

Gayathri’s passion for writing had its foundation at the very early stages of her life when she was on her college editorial board and also won several awards for writing events and book review competitions. She combines her corporate experience with her writing skills and her experience as a homemaker makes her an empathetic contributor in the parenting domain . Her shift from full-time accounting professional to a homemaker gave her career a new direction.Read more.

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