Many pregnant women ask, “Can we eat Maggi in pregnancy?”. Many of them are aware that Maggi is not the most nutritious option but can be a quick, comforting meal when cravings strike. Most of us will remember the huge controversy Maggi was involved in a few years ago. The food safety department had to pull it off the shelves for months until Maggi could prove it was following all safety standards and was fit to be consumed by both children and adults. This brings an impression that the pregnancy and instant noodles will not go hand in hand. Is Maggi during pregnancy safe? Are there any side effects?
Maggi is not specially good or bad. In this blog, we address why Maggi gets a bad name (the MSG controversy), how much is too much when it comes to Maggi and pregnant women, and what are the precautions to keep in mind. Can you savor Maggi during pregnancy without the guilt and the worry? Let’s find out in detail.
Video of Eating Maggi During Pregnancy
Is Maggi During Pregnancy Safe to Consume?
Yes, pregnant women can eat almost anything a non-pregnant woman eats, including Maggi. However, you need to limit your intake and frequency of consuming Maggi when you are pregnant.
Does Maggi Masala Contain Ajinomoto?
“Can eat maggi during pregnancy affect the developing fetus as it contain Aginomoto?” is a query many gynecologist face. Ajinomoto is a flavor enhancer used in many processed foods,to improve the taste. And yes, maggi contains aginomotto. While Ajinomoto is generally considered safe by food safety authorities in moderate amounts if one is sensitive to it, it is better tom avoid it during pregnancy.
Read: Ajinomoto (MSG) During Pregnancy
Maggi During Pregnancy: Harmful Ingredients
When you are considering the safety factors of a food item for a pregnant woman, it is important to research deeply and understand the various ingredients that are used in its making. While many ingredients may seem harmless, some can be dangerous, especially when having Maggi during pregnancy.
Here are some of the commonly used ingredients in the making of noodles. Let’s dig deeper into each of these ingredients to know if they are safe or unsafe during pregnancy:
1. Maida
Refined flour (maida) is stripped of all its nutritional values when it goes through the refining process. Consuming high quantities or regular consumption of this flour adds no benefit to you. Maida takes more time to digest when compared to other commonly used flours. Though one can eat food made of maida during pregnancy, it is not recommended. It can cause digestive issues and can also make you gain weight due to all those empty calories. This is why Maggi during pregnancy may not suit you.
2. Salt
Salt has a direct impact on the BP of a person. Pregnancy causes drastic fluctuations in BP and many women suffer from hypertension (high BP) during pregnancy. Instant noodles and the flavoring agents are rich in salt, thus making noodles an unhealthy option of food during pregnancy.
3. Preservatives
All packaged foods contain high amounts of preservatives to increase their shelf life. These preservatives are not very safe to consume during pregnancy. It can not only affect the health of the mother-to-be but can also have an impact on the baby’s health if consumed regularly.
4. MSG
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is used in many food items to enhance the flavor and make the dish tastier. MSG is made by natural fermentation processes just like vinegar, beer, etc. It is not only found in Maggi noodles but can be found in many other items like soya sauce, dips, premixed gravies, salad dressings, and even seasoned salt among others.
While these food manufacturers must mention MSG on their ingredients list, MSG is not unsafe. It can easily be digested by the body. Packaged or instant noodles have high sodium content, which makes them unsuitable for regular consumption by pregnant women.
Maggi And the MSG Scandal
There are two reasons why peoplr believe eating Maggi in pregnancy will lead to side effects : Maggi and the Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) controversy and the actual nutritional value of Maggi.
The FSSAI, India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority, discovered in 2015 that
Maggi from Nestle had:
- Excess lead: Lead concentrations were higher than the 2.5 ppm acceptable threshold.
- Misleading label: “No added MSG” was a fraudulent promise made on the label.
- Unauthorized item: Without permission, Maggi Oats Masala Noodle with Tastemaker was introduced.
As a result, 38,000 tonnes of Maggi were withdrawn and destro yed by Nestle. Nestle has maintained that Maggi is safe to eat ever since. Since 2017, Maggi has returned to the market.
When To Avoid Maggi During Pregnancy?
When can i eat maggi in pregnancy is another question many mothers have. Is having maggi during first trimester safe? According to studies, a pregnant woman does not need to avoid consuming Maggi completely.
Though it is safe to eat Maggi noodles in moderation during pregnancy, it is best to avoid it in the following cases:
- If you are suffering from acidity or heartburn during pregnancy
- If you are allergic to any ingredients used in the Maggi tastemaker
- If you have severe reactions to gluten
- When you are gaining too much weight too fast and your doctor has warned you about the rate of weight gain
- If your doctor advises you against eating Maggi.
Side Effects of Eating Maggi During Pregnancy
Maggi has not been clinically proved as an unsafe food during pregnancy. Lab test results published by the manufacturers show Maggi during pregnancy is perfectly safe. However, here are some side effects to watch out for if you are craving for Maggi during pregnancy:
1. Weight Gain Due to Maggi During Pregnancy
The high content of maida and sodium can result in weight gain, especially for pregnant women who are already on the weight gain journey.
2. Hypertension
Again, the high content of salt and sodium can increase the BP levels of a pregnant woman.
[Read: Hypertension In Pregnancy]
3. Heart Burns
The spices added in the tastemaker packet, which is the actual essence of Maggi, can cause indigestion and heartburn in a pregnant woman.
4. High Cholesterol Due to Eating Maggi During Pregnancy
Packaged foods like Maggie contain high amounts of trans fats. Continued consumption of foods high in trans fats can cause your cholesterol levels to go off the charts – especially during pregnancy!
5. Breathlessness
The chemical used in preservatives can be very dangerous for not only the pregnant woman but the baby too, in the long run. Some people might be allergic to certain ingredients in the noodles or the seasoning that could trigger breathing issues.
[Read : Feeling Short Of Breath (Breathlessness) During Pregnancy]
Risks Of Eating Maggi During Pregnancy
Well, some pregnancy cravings can be harder to resist than others. Instant noodles pregnancy risks is something not to overlook. .As mentioned earlier, it is okay to eat a little Maggi during pregnancy, from time to time. If you are thinking of overdoing it, you ought to be aware of the following risks of eating Maggi during pregnancy.
1. Reaction To Gluten
Some people suffer from a gluten allergy, which means they should avoid certain types of flours including Maida. Some pregnant women can develop food sensitivities during their pregnancy. Your body may react to or struggle to digest gluten (Maida) properly.
2. Indigestion
Maida and the spices in the Maggi tastemaker can be difficult to digest well during pregnancy. During pregnancy, many women may not be as physically active as they were before. In such cases, consuming Maggi in large quantities may overload the digestive system.
3. Issues With Baby
Studies show that regular consumption of ready-to-eat meals during pregnancy can cause issues like low birth weight, small-size babies, preterm delivery, or even stillbirth in babies (1).
Safety Considerations Before Eating Maggi During Pregnancy
If you are craving some hot and delicious Maggi during pregnancy, here are some safety considerations to keep in mind before you can consume that inviting bowl of Maggi
1. Check The Dates
Dry food items like Maggi will not emit any odor when spoilt. Always check the packing and expiry dates before buying and consuming such instant foods. It is easy to miss that fine print and those dates printed behind the tab can also be missed. Always take an extra minute to check the dates before consumption.
2. Check The Packing / Storage
Always buy your Maggi from a reliable store that follows safety protocols for storage. Since Maggi is a dry food item with a long shelf life, some stores may not check the shelves periodically. Infestation in one packet can spread to the others easily. Always check if the packet is fully sealed, has no holes and the shelves are clean too (2).
3. Track Consumption Quantity
If you are consuming Magi during pregnancy, make a note of all the instant or ready-to-eat foods you consume. Ensure you do not over-consume such foods as they can harm the baby.
4. Read The Label
Check the list of ingredients to ensure it does not contain anything you are allergic to or want to avoid consuming during pregnancy.
When To Consult A Doctor?
Whether you consume Maggi regularly or not, if you notice the following, ensure you consult your doctor immediately without any delay
- If you start vomiting soon after consumption
- If you are feeling tired or uncomfortable after eating Maggi
- If you have an excessive craving and cannot stop eating Maggi despite knowing, you ought to.
Maggi was the most loved instant noodle in India. It was comfort food for both young and old alike. The controversy where Maggi was blamed for having high levels of lead caused many people to avoid eating Maggi for good. However, if Maggi is your pregnancy craving, go ahead and give in. There is no harm in eating some Maggi once in a while. Just ensure you keep an eye on the quantity and the time you eat it (just before bedtime is not recommended).
1. Does Maggi Increase Weight During Pregnancy?
It can increase the weight of a pregnant woman due to high levels of sodium and salt present in it.
2. Can Maggi Cause Heartburn During Pregnancy?
The noodles will not cause any heartburn as it is plain and flavorless. It is the tastemaker that causes all the complications mentioned above. The ingredients in them can make them indigestible for pregnant women, resulting in constipation and other digestive issues.
3. Can Maggi Affect the Unborn Child?
Maggi contains MSG and TBHQ, which when consumed in large quantities during pregnancy, can affect the unborn baby.
4. Does Maggi Contain Maida?
Yes, the most common variant of Maggi is made from maida. However, with people becoming more health conscious, today we can find non-maida variants of Maggi too. Ensure you check the ingredients list before buying your Maggie to know if and how much Maida that particular variant contains.
5. Can I Eat Maggi Once in a While During Pregnancy?
Yes, you can eat Maggi once in a while during pregnancy as long as your body does not have any negative reactions to it. If you find it difficult to digest or experience acidity after consuming Maggi, then it is a clear indication that your body is unable to process it. In such cases, it is best to avoid consuming Maggi during pregnancy. It is always safer to make some delicious noodles at home with all your favorite spices as you are in control of what goes into your body.
- Tamada H, Ebara T, Matsuki T, Kato S, Sato H, Ito Y, Saitoh S, Kamijima M, Sugiura-Ogasawara M, On Behalf Of The Japan Environment And Children’s Study Group. Impact of Ready-Meal Consumption during Pregnancy on Birth Outcomes: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Nutrients. 2022 Feb 20;14(4):895 –
- Murata, Mika & Imamura, Taro & Miyanoshita, Akihiro. (2006). Invasion of the Cup-packaged Instant Noodles by the Indian Meal Moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and Development of the Larvae on the Instant Noodles. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology –
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