8 Health Benefits Of Mango For Babies

6 min read

Written by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

mango for baby

Not many fruits are as tempting and delicious as a mango. Kids and young people are fond of this tropical fruit. But can it be given to your baby? How safe is mangoes for babies?

A lot of babies are fussy eaters and throw tantrums when fed with something new and so, mommies are always on the lookout for healthy alternatives to feed their babies. Therefore, if you are wondering how beneficial mango for your baby is, then read on.

In This Article

Is Mango Good for Your Baby?

Very good is the answer. Mango is known as the king or the emperor of fruits and this is quite justified. It is very tasty, making it a favorite among young and old alike. It is also packed with nutrition, making it a great item to include in the diet, especially for your baby.

Nutritional Value of Mango

Here is the nutritional value of one ripe mango:

  • Vitamin A – 210 mcg
  • Protein- 0.5 gms
  • Calories – 55
  • Carbohydrates- 11.3 gms
  • Folate- 90.43 ug
  • Vitamin B6- 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – 29.08 mg
  • Copper – 0.07 mg

Best Time to Introduce Mangoes

It is best recommended to offer it to your baby, once they reach 8 months. Although many parents introduce it as early as 6 months, it is advised to consult your pediatrician regarding the same.

8 Health Benefits of Mango for Your Baby

Some of the mango benefits for your baby are:

1. Better Digestion

They are both rich in fibers and good digestive enzymes. This means that if your baby is having mangoes, they will have a smooth digestion, no constipation, low risk of acidity and better breakdown of proteins.

2. Better Vision

It is rich in vitamin A (a small bowl of mango takes care of one fourth of the daily requirement of Vitamin A for your baby). As you know, vitamin A is very significant for eyesight. So having mangoes will prevent multiple problems related to eyes, such as dryness, itching, night blindness, refractive errors and cornea problems, in addition to promoting good vision. To know more on how to take care of babies eye read this article.

3. Better Memory

They have glutamine acid, which is an amino acid important for brain development. If your baby is having mangoes, they will get enough glutamine acid to ensure proper functioning of the brain and better memory. Further, mangoes also contain vitamin B6, which also helps improve brain functioning.

4. Better Skin

The vitamin A content in mangoes that ensure good vision can also ensure good skin. It will make skin shine, soft and glow. It also helps manage the complexion and moisturize the skin. Mango pulp can also be applied to baby’s skin, and washed off after 10 minutes. This will accentuate the benefits to the skin.To know simple tips to keep your babies skin moisturized click Here.

5. Cures Anemia

Mangoes contain iron. One mango contains 0.5 mg of iron, which boosts the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in babies. This can help prevent anemia in children

6. Better Immunity

They are rich in vitamin C. It also has high carotene and beta-carotene content. Both these help improve your baby’s immune system. Since babies usually have weaker immunity than the adults, this added boost of immunity from mangoes is a welcome change. Further, mangoes are also known to improve the epithelial function of the body, and this will help fight any germs and infections in a better way.

7. Better Weight

Most moms are worried about the weight gain of their babies. Mangoes contain a lot of good calories that are both nutritious and easily absorbed by the body. This will lead to healthy weight gain in your infant.

8. Sunstroke Prevention

Especially during summers, most parents have a tough time taking their babies outdoors for the fear of sunstrokes and hot winds. Juice made from the pulp of unripe mangoes is a tasty and healthy way to keep your baby hydrated while also protecting them from sunstroke

5 Tips on Feeding Mangoes to Baby

baby eating mango

While it is pretty much a risk-free fruit to give it to your baby, please remember the following:

  1. Make sure you do not feed mangoes to babies younger than six months. It is best suitable for babies who have already started on solids or semi-solids.
  2. Make sure your baby is not allergic to mango, especially if your family has a history of food allergies. Even if not, feed your baby only a small piece on the first day and watch for any allergic reactions. Wait for a minimum of four days before feeding them more mangoes (the same way you would introduce any new food to your baby). To know some of the top 10 allergenic food for your baby click here.
  3. Make sure that the mango is mashed properly and is without any fiber.
  4. Some mangoes have a lot of fibers which makes it difficult to swallow. So keep the texture of the fruit in mind so that your baby does not choke.
  5. Make sure the mango is ripe enough as unripe mangoes can lead to digestion problems.

Mango Allergy in Babies

Here are a few allergies associated with consumption of mangoes in babies:

  • Topical – like itching, local burning sensation to the skin, swelling and redness in the skin
  • Dermatological – relapsing, eczematous skin lesions, and inflammatory skin disease.
  • The allergen is normally on the skin of the mango. It is best to avoid the mango pulp that has come in contact with the skin.
  • If your family has a history of allergies related to mangoes, consult your pediatrician before offering it is your baby.
  • Always serve fresh mango to babies and avoid pre cut mangoes.

How to Select and Store Mangoes?

Pick a mango that gives a nice aroma and is soft to touch. Also try to buy mangoes that have no signs of bruises, cuts, nicks or blemishes. The skin of the mango should have a uniform color with a few brown dots here and there. Usually mangoes are orange- yellow, reddish-orange or green in color. Try to squeeze the mango to test its firmness. If the mango is soft to touch, then it is ripe and ready for consumption.

Mangoes can be pureed or cut into small bite size cubes and served as finger food to your baby. You can even make a smoothie or salad out of it. You don’t have to cook a ripe mango to give to your baby.

How to Make Mangoes Baby Food?

Thoroughly wash the mango under running water to remove any traces of bacteria on the skin. You can also wash the mango with a mixture of water and vinegar in proportion of 3:1 and then nicely rinse it under water. It can be pureed or cut into small bite size cubes and served a finger food to your baby. You can even make a smoothie or salad out of it. You don’t have to cook a ripe mango to give to your baby.

Simple and Easy Mangoes Recipes for Baby

It can be used both in sweet and savoury dishes for your baby. Here are two easy and tasty mango recipes for your baby:

1. Mango Puree

This is the simplest recipe, as it has no cooking involved and needs only one ingredient. Add peeled mango to the blender and puree it , till it reaches the required consistency.

2. Mango Rice Pudding

This is a simple rice recipe, with tropical flavour. Cook the rice in milk, till it becomes mushy. Add chopped mango till it mixes along completely.

As you can see, mangoes are very healthy for your baby. So, do not have any second thoughts. Go ahead and stock your kitchen up with our very own tropical fruits.

Read Also: 10 Ways To Make Your Child Eat Fruits


1. Is Mango Beneficial for my Baby Even in Off Seasons?

Since mango is a seasonal fruit, you will not get fresh mangoes all year round. Always give your baby fresh fruits instead of canned ones. Canned fruits are not as healthy as the fresh ones.

2. Can Eating too Many Mangoes a Day Affect my Child?

Yes it will. Mangoes generate a lot of heat in the body. eating too many mangoes a day can lead to indigestion or diarrhea and also ulcers.

3. Can Eating Mangoes Make my Baby Fat?

Mangoes can add good calories to your baby. However, each body is different and the metabolism varies from child to child. Do not over feed your baby with mangoes to make them get fat.

4. How to Offer Mangoes to a Baby Following BLW Method?

Peel the mangoes and remove husks if any. Cut them up into long pieces which your child can hold and enjoy easily. If your child is comfortable with cutlery, cut the mango into small pieces and offer it with a fork.

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